INDEX OF ARTICLES: --click on any title to go directly to the article, click on the article title to return to this list--
IMPLANT RESULTED AFTER AN ABDUCTION G writes; "I am getting an alien implant removed in the coming weeks." The implant resulted after an abduction experience. I have X-rays of the object. It is located in my right foot between the ankle joint.
The doctors all said it was something that was left over from a prior surgery; the problem is I've never had foot surgery, or any other kind of surgery for that matter.
I do not know where the object is in reference to the nerves in my foot, but I do get vibrations in the area of the object, and also throughout my entire body.
The last two fingers on my left hand have now gone numb as well, and my left arm seems to twitch a lot. I have a constant spasm throughout my body (mostly in my legs).
The surgery will be videotaped. The object will be sent to the proper labs for analysis, as well as skin tissue to be sent for pathology tests. I will also be working with a hypnotherapist after the surgery, and this too will be videotaped by an Emmy award-winning film producer.
The investigators I am working with have been in this field for many years, and have the credentials. After all these things are done, the object, (metallic in nature) will be returned to me.
I've just recently had time to think about all this, and concluded that I really do not feel comfortable with having this object after all the tests are finished. The entire experience has not been a pleasant one for me, and I just want to get on with my life.
I am open to the idea of selling this object. If you have any interest, or know of anyone who does, please feel free to contact me via email. Of course, all the tests / video / audio will be included with the object to show proof. - Thanks, "G"
SOURCE: Filer's Files #20 - 17 May 2006
ALIEN ABDUCTION REPORTS This website contains detailed accounts of alien abduction experiences and UFO sightings. "Whereas the truth involving claims of alien abduction is unverifiable, all extraterrestrial experiences published on this site are actual reports received by the administration of this website. This website truthfully shares the information it receives and does not fabricate nor exaggerate any report."
On this site, you can report or read about alien abduction reports and UFO sightings. You can also chat live with other abductees, search archived reports.
X-15 FILMS UFOs X-15 with fuel tanks, UFO in upper left of photo.
Joe Walker, the X-15 pilot, after attaining the world speed record 3,370 mph in the rocket powered plane on May 25, 1961, admitted that one of his tasks was to look for UFOs during his flights in the X-15. He filmed some objects during another record breaking flight in April 1962.
SOURCE: Filer's Files #18 - 2 May 2006
SOMETHING FOLLOWS JET AIRCRAFT 50 MILES SOUTH OF DES MOINES, IOWA May 24, 2006 8:39 p.m. Hi Brian, In the evening of Wednesday May 24, 2006 while sitting and reading I saw a plane traveling from the east heading in a south westerly direction. It was at a high altitude of over 30,000 feet and appeared to be an ordinary 4 engine large jet plane.
The engines produced the white smoke that is seen coming from a high altitude jet, and it had 4 distinctive plumes, 2 from each wing. The wings were visible, though very small at this distance.
It appeared to be about 50 miles south of Des Moines, Iowa.
I went back to my reading after it was out of my sight, I had first noticed it looking out my back window, that face's East. In a minute or so something else caught my eye that was in the same location as when I first noticed the jet that had just passed.
Again it was about 30,000 or higher and it was about the same size as the jet that just passed. This object had no wings that I could see and the stranger thing was that it had no engine exhaust plume of any type.
I went outside and looked to the South West. I could see the original jet with it's exhaust plume and then again I looked up and looked at this fuselage looking object with no plume at all. It seemed to be "Tailing" this jet that was about 10 miles or more ahead of it. It appeared as if it was following the jet because it was tracking at what seemed to be the same altitude and also heading in a South Westerly direction, and was going the same speed as the jet in front of it. It looked as if it was following right in the track of the jet.
After the jet and this object left my range of vision I came into the house and noted that it was 8:39 pm.
SOURCE: HBCC UFO Recently Reported Sightings Brian Vike, Director Website: HBCC UFO
INDIANA: FIGHTER JETS, LIGHTS Grissom AFB -- I was driving northbound on State Road 39 on the evening of April 19, 2006. It was a clear night and I could see stars everywhere in the sky. I was driving into Frankfort, about 35-40 miles southwest of Grissom AFB. While I was driving I noticed a bright light in the sky just slightly west of the road. There were also two "lines" in the sky running parallel to each other. They ran from east to west and looked like flashlights lights. They were not as high in the sky as an airplane would fly. I turned onto a county road so I could stop and watch for the light. What I noticed was the light moving sporadically, not in a straight line like an airplane.
The light went away and reappeared five seconds later and spread out on either side into a semi-circular shape, and there ended up being about seven lights. The lights were bright yellow, then turned to a bluish tint. The lights were motionless and were only present for approximately three seconds, after the three seconds all of the lights immediately went away. Before I witnessed the lights, I noticed several airplane lights (red and blue flashers) in the sky. After the lights in question went away, there were no airplane lights visible. About 45 seconds to one minute later, I noticed two lights moving parallel to one another (fighter jets) extremely fast towards the area where I witnessed the semi-circle of lights. Once the jets were gone, other airplanes returned. The entire experience lasted for about 10 minutes. One of my friends witnessed the same thing I did. Thanks to Brian Vike
SOURCE: Filer's Files #18 - 2 May 2006
NEW STONE RELIEFS DISCOVERED IN JIROFT, IRAN Recent archaeological excavations in Kenar Sandal area in Jiroft resulted in the discovery of two stone reliefs. The reliefs depict two men with snake tails instead of legs.
"These reliefs were carved on soapstone. They are 25 by 17 centimeter in size with a thickness of about 1.5 centimeters," said Yousof Majidzadeh, head of the excavation team in Jiroft.
"This is the first time that such stone reliefs illustrating snake-men have been discovered in this historical site. However, scorpion-like human beings and eagle reliefs had previously been discovered in this historical site. These stone reliefs were carved on a flat stone cliff, and there are 12 circles on the arms of each of them. Most probably, it had an entertainment usage some 5000 years ago, something like today's backgammon. These circles are carved around the arms and the chests of the carved images. Similar instruments were seen in Burnt City as well, and archeologists believe that these must have been objects built for playing games," added Majidzadeh.
Some of these stone relics were plundered during the illegal excavations by the smugglers and were taken out the country. According to Majidzadeh these new discoveries can be used as a proof for Iran's claim over these relics in international courts. Iran has asked for an international court to redeem its stolen historical relics mostly from Jiroft and bring them back to the country.
Halil Rud historical site near Jiroft was one of the first places where civilization and urbanization were established. Studies on this historical site indicate that the region, especially the ancient city of Kenar-Sandal in near Halil Rud, was the commercial link between Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, countries of the Persian Gulf region, and Transoxiana some 5000 years ago. So far, 120 historical sites have been discovered so far on the 400-kilometer basinof Halil Rud River.
A large number of stone, clay, and architectural remains from the third millennium BC were discovered during archeological excavations in the site. Illegal excavations of the smugglers in this historical site resulted in the loss of some invaluable evidence. These historical treasures were then sold to museums and private collections outside the country. Therefore, Iran's government has asked an international court to be set up to identify these relics.
Archaeologists believe that the recent discovery of the snake-men not only proves that this region was the cradle of civilization more that 5000 years ago, it also can be used as another document to prove Iran's rightness in international courts. ©
NEW GIANT PICTURE FOUND ON PERU'S NAZCA PLATEAU A new giant picture on the Nazca Plateau in Peru, which is famous for giant patterns that can be seen from the air, has been discovered by a team of Japanese researchers. The image is 65 meters long, and appears to be an animal with horns. It is thought to have been drawn as a symbol of hopes for good crops, but there are no similar patterns elsewhere, and the type of the animal remains unclear.
The discovery marks the first time since the 1980s that a picture other than a geometrical pattern has been found on the Nazca Plateau. The picture was found by a team of researchers including Masato Sakai, an associate professor at Yamagata University, after they analyzed images from a U.S. commercial satellite. They confirmed it was a previously undiscovered picture in a local survey in March this year. It is located at the south of the Nazca Plateau, and apparently went undiscovered since few tourist planes pass over the area.
There is evidence that vehicles had driven in the area, and part of the picture is destroyed. Two parts of the picture, that appear to be horns, bear close resemblance to those that appear on earthenware dating from 100 BCE to 600 CE, during the time when the Nazca kingdom flourished, and it is thought that they relate to fertility rites.
The research team will use images from the advanced land-observing satellite "Daichi," which was launched by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency in January this year, to create a distribution map of images on the earth that can be seen from the air. "We want to identify all the images, and work to preserve earth pictures that are gradually being destroyed," Sakai said. Most of the newly-found designs were in the southern part of the Nazca plateau, which is away from the major tourist area to the north where hundreds of images have been discovered, Sakai added.
SOURCE: Mainichi Daily News, AFP, Yahoo! News (20 April 2006) PAG E-NEWS: May 17 ~AND~
NAZCA PHOTOS DEEPEN MYSTERY The Nazca Lines have been a source of mystery and dispute since their discovery in southern Peru nearly a century ago. So why should the latest find be any different?
Japanese enthusiasts recently released new aerial photographs of figures etched in the ground of the Nazca region, adding a fresh dollop of wonder to the giant geometric patterns and animal drawings that scientists say the Nazca Indians created as many as 2,000 years ago.
Peruvian officials expressed excitement about the announcement. But Nazca experts said the Japanese discoveries might merely be good photographs of previously known lines.
'Saying these figures are new is a risk,' said Josue Lancho Rojas, a Nazca historian and writer. 'You cannot say at this time that there are any virgin sites.'
Even if the Japanese figures are not new, the announcement exposed shortcomings in Nazca scholarship. And it raised new questions about the Peruvian government's commitment to sophisticated scientific study.
Largely undocumented There is no central catalog detailing the hundreds of lines and figures already mapped and measured. There is no database for archeologists or, for that matter, a team headed by a literature professor from Yamagata University in Japan, to refer to when trying to piece together the history of the Nazca.
'There are two consequences to this `discovery,' one positive and one negative,' Lancho said. 'The positive is that a lot of tourists are going to come to Nazca now, eager to see the new figures.
'The negative is that once again it shows that the National Institute of Culture has no central registry of the geoglyphs.'
Putting together such a list would not be difficult, experts said, but it would take time and money. Though the Peruvian government profits greatly from the international tourists who come to Nazca to fly over the lines for a dizzying display of ancient accomplishment, Peruvian officials say they could not afford such a project.
'The government should open its doors and say that all the scientists of the world, all the foundations, are invited to come and work,' Lancho said. 'But the Peruvian government puts up too many obstacles to projects.'
Though the Nazca have been studied for decades, rich areas of research remain, said Giuseppe Orefici, director of the Italian Center for Pre-Columbian Archeological Studies and Research.
One example is the painstaking excavation of the Cahuachi complex, the Nazca's ceremonial and administrative center. Though Orefici's team has gathered a treasure of artifacts and a wealth of knowledge amid its pyramids and esplanade, Cahuachi is little noticed outside select archeological circles.
The Nazca emerged as a distinct civilization about 200 years after the time of Jesus and flourished for centuries until the Wari Indians usurped them in the 800s. The Nazca created a system of aqueducts still used today. They were skilled with textiles and ceramics. And they were prolific illustrators in the sand, gravel and dirt of their Pacific Coast region.
There are the best-known figures: The hummingbird and the monkey. The spider, the whale and the humanoid figure dubbed 'The Astronaut.' Trapezoids, circles and long, straight lines seem to be everywhere around Nazca.
The famous figures are clear even to the untrained eye. But other lines take work, and sometimes luck, to detect. Whether a figure shows up clearly depends on several factors.
Winds take sand and dirt and dust over the plains and hills that were called home by the Nazca and their ancestors, the Paracas. How sunlight falls on the earth affects visibility, so some figures can be spotted only at certain times of the day. Having a good pilot who knows where and how to look helps too.
Some difficult to spot The Japanese, for example, needed several flights to identify their figures. Among their more striking images: what appears to be an animal with horns, measuring nearly 200 feet long.
A hummingbird they recorded might prove more interesting to science, however. A Chilean colleague of Orefici's noted that bird's genitalia appeared different from that on other Nazca hummingbirds. Perhaps this was connected to fertility, the scientist speculated.
Such theories go to the heart of what makes the Nazca Lines so compelling. Science has debunked the idea that beings from outer space made the lines. The Nazca were capable of designing the figures using a grid and template system, experts have shown, and the execution of the lines using ropes, sticks and rocks is not complicated. The Nazca used the lines in ceremonies, experts say, and some probably are connected to a calendar.
But believers in extraterrestrials still are drawn to Nazca. And even many non-believers find something otherworldly about the place.
Orefici is rueful about how talk of UFOs or 'new' Nazca lines garners more attention than a critical dig at the Grand Pyramid of Cahuachi. But he understands it too.
'The Nazca Lines are interesting because they create dreams,' said Orefici, an Italian who has studied in Peru for 30 years and curates the Antonini Museum in Nazca. 'It doesn't matter whether I can say they are completely wrong. This is what people want.
'To be able to dream, to leave normal life for a little bit,' Orefici said. 'This is a beautiful part of the geoglyphs.'
SOURCE: Chicago Tribune Conspiracy Journal 5/26/06 #367
'BRAZILIAN STONEHENGE' DISCOVERED By Steve Kingstone BBC News, Sao Paulo Brazilian archaeologists have found an ancient stone structure in a remote corner of the Amazon that may cast new light on the region's past.
The site, thought to be an observatory or place of worship, pre-dates European colonization and is said to suggest a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy. Its appearance is being compared to the English site of Stonehenge.
It was traditionally thought that before European colonization, the Amazon had no advanced societies.
Winter solstice The archaeologists made the discovery in the state of Amapa, in the far north of Brazil. A total of 127 large blocks of stone were found driven into the ground on top of a hill. Well preserved and each weighing several tons, the stones were arranged upright and evenly spaced.
It is not yet known when the structure was built, but fragments of indigenous pottery found at the site are thought to be 2,000 years old.
What impressed researchers was the sophistication of the construction. The stones appear to have been laid out to help pinpoint the winter solstice, when the sun is at its lowest in the sky. It is thought the ancient people of the Amazon used the stars and phases of the moon to determine crop cycles.
Although the discovery at Amapa is being compared to Stonehenge, the ancient stone circle in southern England, the English site is considerably older. It is thought to have been erected some time between 3000 and 1600 BC.
ANOTHER STONEHENGE IN BRAZIL 15-May-2006 Several years ago on Dreamland we interviewed two researchers who had evidence that prehistoric man traveled long distances by sea. The famous Stonehenge in England is between 4,000 and 5,000 years old, and Stonehenge-type calendars have been found in other places, all over the world. Now a structure which is similar to Stonehenge and which is at least 2,000 years old, has been found in South America.
The Brazilian observatory was made from 127 ten-foot-high blocks of granite, which are positioned on the ground to mark the winter solstice. In the web site, archaeologist Mariana Petry Cabral is quoted as saying, "Only a society with a complex culture could have built such a monument." In December, the sun passes through a small hole in one of the blocks, marking the winter solstice, or return of sunlight to the earth for a new growing season.
Author and explorer Graham Hancock thinks the Brazilian Stonehenge may be even older. He says, "I wonder on what basis they think it is just 2,000 years old. It's very difficult to date megalithic sites and it seems they are dating it on the basis of ceramic fragments found nearby, which could have been dropped there anytime. What is really needed is something datable from an undisturbed stratum immediately underneath one of the megaliths. Then they would be in a position to comment responsibly on the age of this structure. I bet it turns out in the end to be a lot older than 2,000 years."
BOSNIA 'PYRAMIDS' BEAR GAZA MARKS May 18, 2006 SARAJEVO - An Egyptian geologist who has joined Bosnian researchers unearthing what are thought to be Europe's first pyramids believes they bear similar hallmarks to the ancient structures in his homeland, an official said.
Aly Abd Alla Barakat, of the Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority, believes large stone blocks found near Sarajevo were man-made and polished in the same way as the pyramids of Giza, said the Bosnian Pyramid Foundation's Mario Gerussi.
"Barakat has also found the presence of a special material linking the stone blocks which is identical to that used for pyramids in Giza," he added.
Barakat had extensive knowledge of the pyramids in Giza and had been recommended for the Bosnian mission by Zahi Hawass, one of the world's foremost Egyptologists, said Gerussi.
Over the next month, he is to work with Bosnian experts at Visoko valley, some 30 kilometers north of Sarajevo, which is believed to be hiding three major pyramids.
Since the digging work began in mid-April on one of the three hills there believed contain pyramids, researchers have unearthed a number of large stone blocks.
Semir Osmanagic, a self-styled Bosnian explorer who initiated the work, says he believes the blocks are part of a pyramid's surface.
Previously, satellite images showed that the hills in the valley cooled a lot faster than their surroundings, proving the substance of the structures was less dense and therefore probably made by men.
Also, the structures are precisely aligned with the four points of the compass.
The excavation work at Visoko, led by the foundation of local archaeologists and volunteers, will last 200 days and is expected to cost some 125,000 euros (160,000 dollars).
While most Bosnians are hopeful the pyramids will be found, a group of the country's archaeologists and historians have dismissed Osmanagic's mission as a "farce."
SOURCE: The Sunday Times Conspiracy Journal 5/26/06 #367 ~AND~
THE BOSNIAN PYRAMID OF THE SUN One-third taller than Egypt's Giza Pyramid VISOCICA HILL --This is the first European pyramid to be discovered and is located in the heart of Bosnia, in the town of Visoko. The pyramid has four perfectly shaped slopes pointing toward the cardinal points, a flat top and an entrance complex. Archaeologists in late April unearthed the first solid evidence that an ancient pyramid lies hidden beneath a massive hill.
Digging revealed large stone blocks on one side of the pyramid that were geometrically cut stone slabs could form part of the structure's sloping surface. "These are the first uncovered walls of the pyramid," said Semir Osmanagic, a Bosnian archaeologist who studied the pyramids of Latin America for 15 years. Leading geologists from Egypt have confirmed that the pyramidal structure discovered near the town of Visocica is a pyramid. It has been named the "Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun" because of its similarities to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico. There are also three smaller pyramids on the site. We found a paved entrance plateau and discovered underground tunnels.
Tunnels have revealed writing similar to arrows and the letter E. The pyramid also resembles those on Mars and Martian symbols. JPL/NASA photo by Mars Rover ©
SOURCE: Filer's Files #22 - 31 May 2006
COMET WILL MISS EARTH Chunks of a comet currently splitting into pieces in the night sky will not strike the Earth, nor will it spawn killer tsunamis and mass extinctions, NASA officials said Thursday. The announcement, NASA hopes, will squash rumors that a fragment of the crumbling Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (SW 3) will slam into Earth just before Memorial Day. "There are some Internet stories going around that there's going to be an impact on May 25," NASA spokesperson Grey Hautaluoma, told "We just want to get the facts out." Astronomers have been observing 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3, a comet that circles the Sun every 5.4 years, for more than 75 years and are confident that any of the icy object's fragments will remain at least a distant 5.5 million miles (8.8 million kilometers) from Earth – more than 20 times the distance to the Moon – at closest approach between May 12 and May 28. Thanks to Tariq Malik,
SOURCE: Filer's Files #20 - 17 May 2006
IS THERE AN ASTEROID IN OUR FUTURE? 16-May-2006 The answer is yes—but not for about a hundred years: on May 4, 2102 to be exact, when the asteroid known as 2004 VD17 is scheduled to come close to earth. By then, NASA may be able to fight it off by firing a spacecraft into it to deflect it from crashing into the earth. Despite the fact that an asteroid impact wiped out an entire species (the dinosaurs) around 65 million years ago, the odds are that something else, like global warming, will get us first.
Small asteroids hit the Earth every few hundred years, but their effects can be deadly, as happened in the case of the dinosaurs. An asteroid that hit Siberia in 1908 had the force of 1,000 atomic bombs. The area it hit was unpopulated.
The leading causes of death in the US are heart disease, cancer, stroke, respiratory diseases and accidents. Disasters like tsunamis are so rare, they are statistically negligible. Asteroid impacts aren’t even on the list, probably because no one would be around to compile the data after one hit.
SCIENTISTS STUDY HUNDREDS OF DEAD DOLPHINS Ali Sultan, Associated Press April 29, 2006 ZANZIBAR, Tanzania - Scientists tried to discover Saturday why hundreds of dolphins washed up dead on a beach popular with tourists on the northern coast of Zanzibar. Among other possibilities, marine biologists were examining whether U.S. Navy sonar threw the animals off course.
Villagers and fishermen were burying the remains of the roughly 400 bottlenose dolphins, which normally live in deep offshore waters but washed up Friday along a 2 1/2-mile stretch of coast in Tanzania's Indian Ocean archipelago.
The animals may have been disturbed by some unknown factor, or poisoned, before they became stranded in shallow waters and died, said Narriman Jiddawi, a marine biologist at the Institute of Marine Science of the University of Dar es Salaam. Experts planned to examine the dolphins' heads to assess whether they had been affected by military sonar.
Some scientists surmise that loud bursts of sonar, which can be heard for miles in the water, may disorient or scare marine mammals, causing them to surface too quickly and suffer the equivalent of what divers call the bends - when sudden decompression forms nitrogen bubbles in tissue.
A U.S. Navy task force patrols the coast of East Africa as part of counterterrorism operations. A Navy official was not immediately available for comment, but the service rarely speaks about the location of submarines at sea.
A preliminary examination of their dolphins' stomach contents failed to show the presence of squid beaks or other remains of animals hunted by dolphins. That was an indication that the dolphins either had not eaten for a long time or had vomited, Jiddawi said. Their general condition, however, appeared to show that they had eaten recently, since their ribs were not clearly visible under the skin, she said.
Although Jiddawi said Friday that poisoning had been ruled out, experts were preparing to further examine the dolphins' stomachs for traces of poisonous substances such as toxic "red tides" of algae.
Zanzibar's resorts attract many visitors who come to watch and swim with wild humpback dolphins, which generally swim closer to shore than the Indo-Pacific bottlenose. The humpbacks, bottlenose, and spinner dolphins are the most common species in Zanzibar's coastal waters.
The most conclusive link between the use of military sonar and injury to marine mammals was observed from the stranding of whales in 2000 in the Bahamas. The U.S. Navy later acknowledged that sonar likely contributed to the stranding of the extremely shy species.
"These animals must have been disoriented and ended up in shallow waters, where they died," Abdallah Haji, a 43-year-old fisherman, said Saturday as he helped bury the dolphins near the bloodied beach.
Residents had cut open the animals' bellies to take their livers, which they use to make waterproofing material for boats.
"We have never seen this type of dolphin in our area," said Haji, who said he has fished in Zanzibar's waters for more than two decades.
CRYPTOZOOLOGIST MULLS THEORIES ON "BIG BIRD" Hidden in the shadows outside of civilization, monsters are believed by some to exist. According to folklore, a large primate stalks the Pacific Northwest and a giant reptile lurks in the depths of a Scottish lake. And in South Texas, people carefully watch the skies for Big Bird, a flying creature that terrorized the area in 1976.
"This bird’s got a habit of going after people," said Guadalupe Cantu III, an eye witness. "This is strictly a nighttime bird, though. ... From 11 o’clock on, everybody’s bait."
While most scientists would write off a man-hunting bird as pure myth, a group of researchers takes such accounts seriously. The researchers are called cryptozoologists.
"It’s considered a pseudo science," said Ken Gerhard, 38. "I like to call it a frontier science."
A Houston-based cryptozoologist, Gerhard is researching a book that will focus on the Big Bird. He will speak about his research before the Brownsville Enlightenment Society at 7 p.m., Tuesday at Shoney’s Restaurant. The meeting is free to the public.
While other zoologists might consider the existence of such a large unknown species impossible, Gerhard and others keep an open mind.
"Cryptozoology is the search for animals that have not yet been verified by science," Gerhard said. "Most people are familiar with the marquee animals – Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster and Big Bird. ... The less glamorous side would include a new species of beetle."
In 2005 several new birds, plants and other species were discovered in the Foja Mountains of Papua, New Guinea. Scientists announced 27 new species earlier this year, discovered in California national park caves. Large creatures have also been revealed recently, with the first photographs of a live giant squid taken in 2004.
"New species are discovered all the time, a lot of people don’t understand that," Gerhard said. "Cryptozoologists feel that those ‘real scientists’ aren’t doing a good enough job."
Don Farst, executive director of the Gladys Porter Zoo, remembers the excitement in January 1976 when people would ask about giant birds and livestock-attacking beasts. He said nothing was ever proved, but he can understand why some believe in unknown animals.
"Nothing is impossible," he said. "But I usually believe that either I or somebody that I trust has seen, and preferably photographed next to something of a known size."
There’s always more to learn, according to Lynn David Livsey, president of the Brownsville Enlightenment Society, a group that discusses new discoveries and unknown phenomena on a weekly basis.
"We pretend like we know but really we don’t," he said. "I remain open-minded on the subject."
The Big Bird has been compared to local owl-witch legends, but Gerhard said many real creatures began as myths.
"A lot of animals discovered in the last century were original folklore animals," he said, adding this was true of the gorilla. "They were giant hairy wild men and back in the late 1800s were considered to be folklore. ... It made the transformation from folklore into reality."
Gerhard said certain areas of wilderness remained unexplored by men, which obviously provided the potential to discover new species of animals.
"I can’t say these animals are there, but I can say the potential is there," Gerhard said.
Aside from the Big Bird sightings in Brownsville in 1976, there were sightings in Robstown and Rio Grande City in 1975, Swinney Switch in the 1950s and San Benito in the 1940s. McAllen, Harlingen and Los Fresnos also claimed witnesses.
San Benito in particular seemed a hotbed for Big Bird reports. Many residents of the La Paloma Colonia have heard of the creature they call the demon bird.
"As a child I heard it one Christmas eve, really Christmas day at 1 o’clock in the morning," said Cantu, now 50. "It made more and more noise so my grandfather went out and cussed it. ... It was a strange noise, like a couple of cats, like one voice mixed with another voice."
As a child in San Benito, Cantu had heard of the bird, but he was surprised by its size and that it showed no fear of guns or dogs.
The bird Cantu saw seemed to stand about 8 feet tall and was solid black, although parts of its body seemed to reflect more light. It was stood vertically with stooped shoulders.
"With the face I thought I was looking at a skeleton, but it was the eyes and nose (of a skull)," he said. "It did not flap its wings, it just glided."
Alex Resendez, 66, saw the creature three times in the 1970s. Twice he caught fleeting glimpses of the beast over Brownsville, and the third time, he saw it in broad daylight near his rural McCook area home.
"I never seen a bird that big," he said. "He was brownish, like dirt. ... He does not have long legs and does not stand like other birds."
What struck him most were the bird’s large eyes that shone like black glass, with red markings underneath. The beak was also peculiar.
"You have to look close because his beak is very transparent," Resendez said. "If you see it real fast, you’re going to think he ain’t got no beak."
In all, the brown bird seemed to stand over 4 feet tall. After being spooked by a charging bull, the bird spread its large wings and pushed off the ground with its feet.
"He was very swift, very nice, like a glider," Resendez said. "This bird, he never flaps his wings."
The wing underside was surprisingly colorful to Resendez, appearing with blue and white stripes.
"It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen."
Descriptions of Big Bird often follow the same pattern: it is dark in color, featherless or smoothly feathered, has a long thin beak or no beak at all, short legs and long tail.
Farst took a pragmatic approach.
"At certain times of year we have wood storks here, which are large gangly birds, about 4½ feet tall," he said. "They are more black and white than brownish and have a long curving bill."
He offered alternative possibilities such as a sand hill crane or brown pelican, but said the distinctive features described by witnesses don’t always match with known animals.
As several cattle mutilations were reported in 1976, Resendez believes they might be related to the Big Bird sightings.
"I thought maybe this bird goes after these cows, drives his beak in there, takes samples, then goes upstairs where maybe there is a UFO," he said. "It’s so well made, nobody could tell it was a robot, but I don’t know."
Gerhard has heard theories ranging from a giant owl to a giant bat, but he has his own ideas.
"The other theory that I’m pursuing with my book is probably a little more out there," the cryptozoologist said. "That’s the possibility of living pterosaurs."
Winged reptiles and contemporaries of the dinosaurs, pterosaurs are believed to have met extinction more than 64 million years ago, but some cryptozoologists see the creatures as possible Big Bird explanations.
"It seems to jibe with most of the reports I’ve collected," Gerhard said, adding that the Kongamato of Africa and Ropen of Papua, New Guinea, both supposedly mythical creatures, are said to have reptile-like features.
Farst doubts a large flying reptile could go undiscovered, but said there are some birds that behave similarly to the Big Bird.
"The best and biggest flying birds that we have would be like the Andean Condor from South America," he said. "They can jump and launch themselves into the air to take off, but usually they do this off the side of a cliff."
Gliding without a cliff, or preliminary flapping, would be highly unusual, he said.
"That would indicate that it would be something that we don’t have in this world at this time," he said. "If I had to bet any of my hard earned money, I would be willing to bet odds of a 1,000-to-1 against there being a critter like this. .... I wish you’d prove me wrong. I’d love to see something like this."
Livsey believes Big Bird to be an actual bird, albeit one not known to modern man. The extinct Teratorn is believed to have wingspans over a dozen feet.
"This does have to be a monster or a giant flying reptile," he said. "I believe we’re talking something terrestrial here. I do believe in UFOs, and I was a witness to a UFO event, but I do not believe this was some kind of extra-terrestrial."
SOURCE: The Brownsville Herald Conspiracy Journal 5/12/06 #365
DRAGON MYTHOLOGY Apr 28, 2006 If there is a prevailing theory about dragons, perhaps it is the oft-repeated claim that reptilian species –alive or extinct–lurk behind the mythical image. But closer scrutiny casts doubt on such theories, while pointing to the similarities between the dragon and the life-like forms of plasma discharge.
The idea of a reptilian 'prototype' of the fabulous dragon comes in various forms, all of which have their proponents. Many students of dragon lore have suggested that the instinctive fear of snakes led to irrational, exaggerated accounts of a harmful serpent of mythical proportions; or perhaps the confrontation of prehistoric people with snakes triggered archaic, deeply-rooted and genetically-encoded memories of a time when distant Mammalian ancestors were on top of the Dinosaurian menu.
Alternatively, some propose that the ancient myth-makers inferred the existence of these monsters from the fossilized bones of dinosaurs they happened upon (see pictured above); or 'living fossils', the rare survivors of a once more widespread kind, could have provided the impetus; or so-called 'cryptids', reported but officially undiscovered animals, may have formed the inspiration behind the fantastic stories.
In reality, all such interpretations do little justice to the elaborate profile of the mythical dragon as consistently provided in scores of age-old traditions around the world.
The only rational way to answer the question of the dragon's origins is to start with a comparative analysis of the recurrent themes in dragon mythology. This approach, no matter how rudimentary, immediately reveals a number of archetypal traits that grow in clarity and intensity as you go further back in time, drawing closer to an extraordinary pan-human experience that may have provoked dragon mythology: ... Continue at:
NEW MT. HOOD BIGFOOT PHOTOGRAPH? There’s a new “possible” Bigfoot photograph that has been submitted to Cryptomundo. We are making no claims about it, but thought our readers might be interested in looking at this one. And pondering what it might be.
It was taken by a scouting camera on April 30, 2006, in the Mt. Hood National Forest, near The Dalles, Oregon. The camera is a Cuddeback digital scouting camera, which was attached to a tree about three feet off the ground. It has a motion/heat detector.
Could it be someone going by in a poncho? I asked the people who placed the camera, Klindt Kendall and Dianna Martin, what they thought. As far as they can tell, this is “not someone in raingear,” they told me. Photograph is used with their permission here and copyrighted by them.
This photograph could be a Bigfoot or could not. And if it is, what kind of Sasquatch would it be? What do you think?
UPDATE To see the photographs taken immediately before and after the above photo, please see the images here, at “More From Mt. Hood”:
WATCH OUT: IT'S TORNADO SEASON 18-May-2006 Spring is tornado season in the US and we while tornadoes can occur almost anywhere in the world, we have more of them than anyplace else. There are about 1,200 tornadoes here every year. So far, in 2006, there have been almost 500. Like all extreme weather patterns, including hurricanes and flooding, an increase in tornado activity can be an indication of global warming. reports that this is the fastest start for the tornado season since 1999. In 2005, fewer than 100 tornadoes had formed by April. In 2005, June was the busiest tornado month—we’ll have to see if that repeats this year.
Twisters strike most often along what has come to be known as Tornado Alley, which stretches from west Texas to North Dakota. Tornadoes form there when dry polar air from Canada comes into contact with warm moist tropical air from the Gulf of Mexico.
From The Wizard of Oz, we might think that Kansas gets the most tornadoes, but it's actually Texas that gets hit most often, with over a hundred tornadoes every year. Most tornadoes travel to the northeast and occur between 4 and 6 p.m. Most of them last less than ten minutes on the ground— but that's enough time for them to wreak major destruction.
ANCIENT EVIDENCE OF GLOBAL WARMING 15-May-2006 Paleontologists have avoided connecting the great extinctions that brought the Pleistocene to an end 15,000 years ago to climate change by claiming that they were due to a few thousand hunter-gatherers killing millions of animals, all within a span of a few hundred years. Now climate is finally being recognized as the key to the extinctions.
Paleobiologist Dale Guthrie of the University of Alaska says in a study published in Nature this week that climate change, not hunters, brought about the extinction of mammoths and horses in the Yukon Territory, Alaska and Siberia around 12,000 years ago. New dating of fossils shows that the animals did not die off at the same time that hunters arrived, and, in fact, that the appearance of the hunters did not have a measurable effect on herds.
What Guthrie believes is that the end of the ice age around 13,000-15,000 years ago caused the Yukon and Alaska to become much warmer, and drew grazing herds of horses, mammoths, and other animals far to the north. Then the climate changed again, abruptly by geologic standards, over few hundred years. This left the animals stranded without fodder to graze, and the herds diminished and died out.
Why they did not move south with the grass in the same way that they had moved north with it is not explained by the new study. Paleontology has long since dismissed evidence of animals being killed so abruptly that they died with food still in their mouths as fiction. Although such fossils have been found, it is assumed that there must be some other explanation than abrupt weather change to explain the deaths.
Professor Lonnie Thompson of the Byrd Polar Research Institute has found evidence of very abrupt and long-lasting climate change in Peruvian glaciers, which reveal quick-frozen temperate zone plants at their bases, meaning that the plants were killed by a weather event in a matter of minutes, and have remained covered by ice ever since. No animal remains have ever been found in this condition, but storms of an unknown type that can cause such sudden and long- lasting change have certainly happened in the past.
To read our story on Dr. Thompson's findings, go to:
INDONESIA QUAKE CATASTROPHE 27-May-2006 A 6.2 quake struck Papua-New Guinea Saturday night. The area it hit is sparsely populated and there are currently no reports of damage or injuries. The Indonesian quake, also 6.2 on the Richter Scale, struck at 5:53 AM local time Friday in a heavily populated area of Java, and is believed to have taken at least 6,000 lives and injured 2,000 or more. The quake, centered near the town of Yogyakarta, took place in an area where there has been increased volcanism in recent months. Mt. Merapi is erupting nearby. Whether the quake and the volcanic activity are related is not known, but the quake was tectonic, not volcanic in origin. Quakes caused by volcanism are due to magma and gasses moving underground. Tectonic quakes are caused by faults.
Much more powerful quakes have struck the region recently, but they have not hit heavily populated areas. Damage in and around Yogyakarta is said to be extensive, with much of the community reduced to rubble. A quake of this intensity would generally be expected to cause only moderate damage, but the type of construction used in the area--unreinforced concrete--is notoriously susceptible to earthquake damage and extremely dangerous when heavy concrete ceilings collapse.
MAJOR EXPANSION OF TECTONIC ACTIVITY IN PACIFIC RIM Duration and magnitude of threat are not known. Following the activity on Java Island the past three days, suddenly today two 6.0 plus quakes struck in the Northeastern edge Fiji/Tonga Islands of the Australian Tectonic Plate amidst major increases in eruptive actions of Vanuatu island volcanoes.
Sudden increases of Vanuatu volcanism was noticed during the mid 1930's and fulfilled one of Cayce's predictions about the first outbreak of changing geologic conditions as a result of the shifting of the Earth's equilibrium which set the stage for the 1999 and 2006 anomalies of polar motion. No question that the Earth's crust is breaking up first along the Northern edge of the Australian Plate where it is grinding and thrusting against FOUR other tectonic plates. What will happen next is anyone's guess but doubtless we are on the trend line of a rapid increase in major Earth Changes. There is no looking back, conditions will continue to mount into increasing instability during the next several years. In the meantime, heads up all Pacific Rim. New Zealand is especially perilous in addition to the entire northern tier of South Seas Islands. Beware the 180 mirror opposite reflection of this activity in the zone from the Galapagos to Trinidad zone along the Cocos and Carib Plates.
Reflections in the Northern Arc of the Pacific Rim are uncertain. Aleutians have been highly active. Several shape shifters in Pacific portions of the Great Rift. in general during the past 24 hours there has been a large Syzygy related increase in frequency of seismic activity around the Rim, typically in the range of 3 to 4.
ALSO: Multiple quakes in range of 4.0 and slightly higher have hit Baja California in the last 48 hours. Frequency of quakes is up for the New Moon. MOON IS IN THE NORTH NODE. WATCH OUT ESPECIALLY MID DAY. Gravitational vectors are now receding in influence and overall dangers around the globe should be receding somewhat but consider California still high risk for a 4.0 plus any size greater quake. Also Aleutian Islands and all island groups along Northern to Northeastern Australian Tectonic Plate. Many shape shifters in the Great Rift, mainly around the lower part of the Pacific, Papua New Guinea hit with 6.2 today.
ROOF OF THE WORLD MELTING 26-May-2006 The roof of the world is melting, turning large parts of China into a desert. The Chinese Academy of Sciences says the glaciers of the Tibetan plateau are melting so quickly that they are getting 50% smaller every 10 years. Meanwhile, here in the US, the Society of Landscape Architects wants everyone to have a green roof. This doesn't mean you should put green shingles on your house—it means that you should grow plants there.
Geoffrey Lean writes in the Independent that global warming is turning large areas into desert. As China gets drier, more dust begins to blow, in a country already famous for its treacherous dust storms.
Can the earth survive without the glaciers that bring water to China and Tibet? The glaciers that keep the dust down now cover almost 60,000 miles and are the largest area of ice outside the poles—about one-sixth of the earth's total.
CNN reports that the LSA has created a leafy rooftop for its own building in the heart of a big city, Washington, D.C. The plants cool the building and absorb rainwater, keeping city sewers clearer.
Green roofs were first used in Germany in the 1950s and are now being used in many other places, including China. of the American Society of Landscape Architects building in downtown Washington is a model of the techniques used increasingly to cool temperatures, filter air, and lessen the burden on sewers by absorbing rainwater.
SCIENTISTS SAY ARCTIC WAS ONCE TROPICAL By Seth Borenstein, AP Science Writer May 31, 2006 WASHINGTON - Scientists have found what might have been the ideal ancient vacation hotspot with a 74-degree Fahrenheit average temperature, alligator ancestors and palm trees. It's smack in the middle of the Arctic.
First-of-its-kind core samples dug up from deep beneath the Arctic Ocean floor show that 55 million years ago an area near the North Pole was practically a subtropical paradise, three new studies show.
The scientists say their findings are a glimpse backward into a much warmer-than-thought polar region heated by run-amok greenhouse gases that came about naturally.
Skeptics of man-made causes of global warming have nothing to rejoice over, however. The researchers say their studies appearing in Thursday's issue of Nature also offer a peek at just how bad conditions can get.
"It probably was (a tropical paradise) but the mosquitoes were probably the size of your head," said Yale geology professor Mark Pagani, a study co-author.
And what a watery, swampy world it must have been.
"Imagine a world where there are dense sequoia trees and cypress trees like in Florida that ring the Arctic Ocean," said Pagani, a member of the multinational Arctic Coring Expedition that conducted the research.
Millions of years ago the Earth experienced an extended period of natural global warming. But around 55 million years ago there was a sudden supercharged spike of carbon dioxide that accelerated the greenhouse effect.
Scientists already knew this "thermal event" happened but are not sure what caused it. Perhaps massive releases of methane from the ocean, the continent-sized burning of trees, lots of volcanic eruptions.
Many experts figured that while the rest of the world got really hot, the polar regions were still comfortably cooler, maybe about 52 degrees Fahrenheit.
But the new research found the polar average was closer to 74 degrees. So instead of Boston-like weather year-round, the Arctic was more like Miami North. Way north.
"It's the first time we've looked at the Arctic, and man, it was a big surprise to us," said study co-author Kathryn Moran, an oceanographer at the University of Rhode Island. "It's a new look to how the Earth can respond to these peaks in carbon dioxide."
It's enough to make Santa Claus break into a sweat.
The 74-degree temperature, based on core samples which act as a climatic time capsule, was probably the year-round average, but because data is so limited it might also be just the summertime average, researchers said.
What's troubling is that this hints that future projections for warming, several degrees over the next century, may be on the low end, said study lead author Appy Sluijs of the Institute of Environmental Biology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
Also it shows that what happened 55 million years ago was proof that too much carbon dioxide — more than four times current levels — can cause global warming, said another co-author Henk Brinkhuis at Utrecht University.
Purdue University atmospheric sciences professor Gabriel Bowen, who was not part of the team, praised the work and said it showed that "there are tipping points in our (climate) system that can throw us to these conditions."
And the new research also gave scientists the idea that a simple fern may have helped pull Earth from a hothouse to an icehouse by sucking up massive amounts of carbon dioxide. Unfortunately, this natural solution to global warming was not exactly quick: It took about a million years.
With all that heat and massive freshwater lakes forming in the Arctic, a fern called Azolla started growing and growing. Azolla, still found in warm regions today, grew so deep, so wide that eventually it started sucking up carbon dioxide, Brinkhuis theorized. And that helped put the cool back in the Arctic.
Bowen said he has a hard time accepting that part of the research, but Brinkhuis said the studies show tons upon tons of thick mats of Azolla covered the Arctic and moved south.
"This could actually contribute to push the world to a cooling mode," Brinkhuis said, but only after it got hotter first and then it would take at least 800,000 years to cool back down. It's not something to look forward to, he said.
STRANGE EARTH CHANGES 30-May-2006 Besides the tragic earthquake in Indonesia, there are other strange and ominous changes going on in the earth: A rumbling volcano on a South Pacific island has puzzled scientists by changing the water in a lake from blue to bright red. A cliff in India has suddenly exploded like a volcano, spewing out rocks and debris. And geologists have discovered that a mountain near the Montana-Wyoming border once moved 62 miles in only a half hour, and they're afraid it may do it again.
Ray Lilley reports that a lake on top of a volcano on the island of Ambae in the South Pacific has changed to what volcanologist Brad Scott calls "quite a spectacular red." He thinks the color change has to do with the volcano's renewed activity, which may be releasing chemicals into the water.
In India, a mysterious explosion of rocks and debris has suddenly erupted from a cliff, when the hill suddenly started exploding like a volcano.
A mountain near the Montana-Wyoming border once moved 62 miles in only a half hour. How can scientists tell this? The rocks at the summit of Heart Mountain are 250 million years older than the rocks at its base. Geologists think the mountain is a dormant volcano and that lava once bubbled up to the surface, bringing the older rocks with it. Why does this matter today? Because it may happen again—this time to the Canary Islands, off the coast of North Africa, near Portugal.
Geophysicist Einat Aharonov says that when a series of volcanic eruptions formed the now Absaroka mountain range around 50 million years ago, water was trapped deep inside, like a pressure cooker. The pressure actually caused the mountain to slide. In, Corey Binns quotes Aharonov as saying, "According to our calculation, the motion took less than 30 minutes." He also warns that the Canary Islands could do the same thing soon, since they're on top of a dormant volcano. If that happens, the result may be a huge tsunami.
MARS TEMPERATURES REACH 98° FAHRENHEIT Scientist M. Carr in his book, Water On Mars, reports that the Viking orbiters found surface temperatures reaching 298 Degrees Kelvin at the summer solstice at 1 PM local time in the southern hemisphere. Viking also reported temperatures exceeding 273 degrees Kelvin (98 degrees Fahrenheit) in the northern hemisphere where both Vikings landed.
SOURCE: Filer's Files #18 - 2 May 2006
Norman Bryden reports, "Here is another section from a photograph of what looks like a large industrial complex with machinery parts on Mars taken by the Mars Global Surveyor."
I have outlined some of the boarders between the light and dark areas to help make out the details. This image is somewhere around a mile across from left to right. The structure looks like some kind of huge power plant or some other large industry structure. In the full image there are other areas that have a machine like look about them. The reason I feel this is an image of machinery on Mars is because of all the lines that seem to make up the structure. The lines make up corners, struts, disks, louvers and what look like entrances.
There are far too many structured objects in my opinion in the full image for them to be just random formations. I believe they are of intelligent design and this is further evidence of advanced life on Mars. Just think what this added knowledge and the inspiration in exploration could do for us and help us move away from the polluting technologies and restore our environment with clean power sources. The full image can be downloaded from the links below. If you resize the image larger you can see the details better. There are also many other machine like looking parts and structures to be seen in the full image, some of which you can see in the link below. Thanks to Norman Bryden
SOURCE: Filer's Files #19 - 11 May 2006
MORE MARS ANOMALIES STRANGE FIGURE I guess where to start in this image to see what I think I have discovered, is to look just to the right of center at the very light markings. These very light markings form the letter C, or looks kind of like the shape of a clamp. This looks to be on the end of a pole. This pole seems to be held by a large statue carving of a man. On the other end of the staff or possible device is the shape sort of like a shark's fin. This almost looks like some type of futuristic device, weapon, or symbolic staff.
The man's right arm on the left side in this image is bizarrely wrapped around the device like that of a snake. Above this staff is the face sort of like a court jester or other exaggerated features, or possible that of a mask of some sort. You can see a pronounce chin, a large light colored nose and brows looking slightly to the left in this section. His hair or headdress curls around down on both sides of his head. This figure is reminiscent of the Mayan culture here on Earth. I especially like this photograph because I can relate to what kind of species may once have been, or currently is on Mars. This is a rare glimpse of a face with such details that it is difficult to dismiss as any random formation. There are so many points that look intelligently modified, that I think this is a good example of what type of intelligent species there may be on Mars. At the feet of this statue like form, is what looks like a half moon opening between the feet or supports on the sides into the cliff side.
The cliff sides here and on the full image are riddled with what looks like intelligently carved terraces and openings, and there are many things to be seen. If you enlarge and resize the full image you can see many things more clearly. I will be posting other sections from this photograph.
This is a very telling photograph in my opinion. There are other structures of what looks to be faces carved into the hillsides, some masked and some not. There are what look like a large number of dwellings, boxes, and other artifacts of intelligent geometry. I hope others enjoy this photograph as much as I have. Thanks to Norman Bryden
Link to NASA Image:, Link to Specification Page:
SOURCE: Filer's Files #20 - 17 May 2006 ~AND~
Norman Bryden writes, "In this section of the photograph taken by the Mars Global Surveyor are structures that look geometric and intelligently built."
Not everyone sees the same things and are not required to. In the lower right left hand corner is a large egg shaped object. There are appendages that make it look like some sort of large machine on the front and sides. To the lower right on the hillside are several objects that are square and cube shaped that look like a group of buildings. There is also just below and left of this group a cut out formation like a terrace and opening into the hillside.
Link to NASA Image: Link to Specification Page:
Editor's Note: I see the large egg shaped object and also a face seems to be resting on it. Just to the right of the 7 there is a helmet and below is the face. I am the first to admit that its like looking at faces in clouds. However, faces with helmets are repeatedly found near symbols similar to those used on Earth.
On the same color enhanced image nearby is this image of a large white F and two Y symbols. There is some indication the symbols point to landing sites. Notice the large Y points to a series of Ys then a reverse L at the bottom of the photo, that appear to be structures.
SOURCE: Filer's Files #21 - 24 May 2006
THE COMING SOLAR SUPERSTORM 04-May-2006 Whitley [Streiber] and Art [Bell] warned about a possible superstorm here on earth, caused by global warming. It turns out that a solar superstorm may be on the way as well. NOAA warns that a solar storm could affect our technology here on earth, especially our satellites, and therefore our television and cell phone reception. Astronomers are researching what might happen in the future by examining what happened during a similar solar storm that took place around 150 years ago.
Robert Roy Britt writes in that the "solar tempest" of 1859 affected communication as well. There was no satellite technology then, but communications on earth were still affected by the increase in solar activity: over 140,000 miles of telegraph lines, all over the world, were unusable for several hours.
Leonard David writes in that the upcoming sun spots may destroy some of our older orbiting satellites and will probably reduce the operating life of the other ones by about a decade. The total cost of the damage could be over 30 billion dollars.
LIGHT'S MOST EXOTIC TRICK YET: SO FAST IT GOES...BACKWARDS? University of Rochester News Release May 14, 2006 In the past few years, scientists have found ways to make light go both faster and slower than its usual speed limit, but now researchers at the University of Rochester published a paper on May 12 in Science on how they've gone one step further: pushing light into reverse. As if to defy common sense, the backward-moving pulse of light travels faster than light.
Confused? You're not alone.
"I've had some of the world's experts scratching their heads over this one," says Robert Boyd, the M. Parker Givens Professor of Optics at the University of Rochester. "Theory predicted that we could send light backwards, but nobody knew if the theory would hold up or even if it could be observed in laboratory conditions."
Boyd recently showed how he can slow down a pulse of light to slower than an airplane, or speed it up faster than its breakneck pace, using exotic techniques and materials. But he's now taken what was once just a mathematical oddity-negative speed-and shown it working in the real world.
"It's weird stuff," says Boyd. "We sent a pulse through an optical fiber, and before its peak even entered the fiber, it was exiting the other end. Through experiments we were able to see that the pulse inside the fiber was actually moving backward, linking the input and output pulses."
So, wouldn't Einstein shake a finger at all these strange goings-on? After all, this seems to violate Einstein's sacred tenet that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
"Einstein said information can't travel faster than light, and in this case, as with all fast-light experiments, no information is truly moving faster than light," says Boyd. "The pulse of light is shaped like a hump with a peak and long leading and trailing edges. The leading edge carries with it all the information about the pulse and enters the fiber first. By the time the peak enters the fiber, the leading edge is already well ahead, exiting. From the information in that leading edge, the fiber essentially 'reconstructs' the pulse at the far end, sending one version out the fiber, and another backward toward the beginning of the fiber."
Boyd is already working on ways to see what will happen if he can design a pulse without a leading edge. Einstein says the entire faster-than-light and reverse-light phenomena will disappear. Boyd is eager to put Einstein to the test.
So how does light go backwards?
Boyd, along with Rochester graduate students George M. Gehring and Aaron Schweinsberg, and undergraduates Christopher Barsi of Manhattan College and Natalie Kostinski of the University of Michigan, sent a burst of laser light through an optical fiber that had been laced with the element erbium. As the pulse exited the laser, it was split into two. One pulse went into the erbium fiber and the second traveled along undisturbed as a reference. The peak of the pulse emerged from the other end of the fiber before the peak entered the front of the fiber, and well ahead of the peak of the reference pulse.
But to find out if the pulse was truly traveling backward within the fiber, Boyd and his students had to cut back the fiber every few inches and re-measure the pulse peaks when they exited each pared-back section of the fiber. By arranging that data and playing it back in a time sequence, Boyd was able to depict, for the first time, that the pulse of light was moving backward within the fiber.
To understand how light's speed can be manipulated, think of a funhouse mirror that makes you look fatter. As you first walk by the mirror, you look normal, but as you pass the curved portion in the center, your reflection stretches, with the far edge seeming to leap ahead of you (the reference walker) for a moment. In the same way, a pulse of light fired through special materials moves at normal speed until it hits the substance, where it is stretched out to reach and exit the material's other side.
Conversely, if the funhouse mirror were the kind that made you look skinny, your reflection would appear to suddenly squish together, with the leading edge of your reflection slowing as you passed the curved section. Similarly, a light pulse can be made to contract and slow inside a material, exiting the other side much later than it naturally would.
To visualize Boyd's reverse-traveling light pulse, replace the mirror with a big-screen TV and video camera. As you may have noticed when passing such a display in an electronics store window, as you walk past the camera, your on-screen image appears on the far side of the TV. It walks toward you, passes you in the middle, and continues moving in the opposite direction until it exits the other side of the screen.
A negative-speed pulse of light acts much the same way. As the pulse enters the material, a second pulse appears on the far end of the fiber and flows backward. The reversed pulse not only propagates backward, but it releases a forward pulse out the far end of the fiber. In this way, the pulse that enters the front of the fiber appears out the end almost instantly, apparently traveling faster than the regular speed of light. To use the TV analogy again-it's as if you walked by the shop window, saw your image stepping toward you from the opposite edge of the TV screen, and that TV image of you created a clone at that far edge, walking in the same direction as you, several paces ahead.
"I know this all sounds weird, but this is the way the world works," says Boyd.
SOURCE: Spaceflight Now Conspiracy Journal 5/19/06 #366
THE CURSE OF THE MOBILE PHONE AGE: ELECTRONIC SMOG Around your home there are countless gadgets whose electrical fields, scientists now warn, are linked to depression, miscarriage and cancer by Geoffrey Lean The Independent/UK May 7, 2006 Invisible "smog", created by the electricity that powers our civilization, is giving children cancer, causing miscarriages and suicides and making some people allergic to modern life, new scientific evidence reveals.
The evidence - which is being taken seriously by national and international bodies and authorities - suggests that almost everyone is being exposed to a new form of pollution with countless sources in daily use in every home.
Two official Department of Health reports on the smog are to be presented to ministers next month, and the Health Protection Agency (HPA) has recently held the first meeting of an expert group charged with developing advice to the public on the threat.
The UN's World Health Organization (WHO) calls the electronic smog "one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences" and stresses that it "takes seriously" concerns about the health effects. It adds that "everyone in the world" is exposed to it and that "levels will continue to increase as technology advances".
Wiring creates electrical fields, one component of the smog, even when nothing is turned on. And all electrical equipment - from TVs to toasters - give off another one, magnetic fields. The fields rapidly decrease with distance but appliances such as hair dryers and electric shavers, used close to the head, can give high exposures. Electric blankets and clock radios near to beds produce even higher doses because people are exposed to them for many hours while sleeping.
Radio frequency fields - yet another component - are emitted by microwave ovens, TV and radio transmitters, mobile phone masts and phones themselves, also used close to the head.
The WHO says that the smog could interfere with the tiny natural electrical currents that help to drive the human body. Nerves relay signals by transmitting electric impulses, for example, while the use of electrocardiograms testify to the electrical activity of the heart.
Campaigners have long been worried about exposure to fields from lines carried by electric pylons but, until recently, their concerns were dismissed, even ridiculed, by the authorities.
But last year a study by the official National Radiological Protection Board concluded that children living close to the lines are more likely to get leukemia, and ministers are considering whether to stop any more homes being built near them. The discovery is causing a large-scale reappraisal of the hazards of the smog.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer - part of the WHO and the leading international organization on the disease - classes the smog as a "possible human carcinogen". And Professor David Carpenter, dean of the School of Public Health at the State University of New York, told The Independent on Sunday last week that it was likely to cause up to 30 per cent of all childhood cancers. A report by the California Health Department concludes that it is also likely to cause adult leukemia, brain cancers and possibly breast cancer and could be responsible for a 10th of all miscarriages.
Professor Denis Henshaw, professor of human radiation effects at Bristol University, says that "a huge and substantive body of evidence indicates a range of adverse health effects". He estimates that the smog causes some 9,000 cases of depression.
Perhaps strangest of all, there is increasing evidence that the smog causes some people to become allergic to electricity, leading to nausea, pain, dizziness, depression and difficulties in sleeping and concentrating when they use electrical appliances or go near mobile phone masts. Some are so badly affected that they have to change their lifestyles.
While not yet certain how it is caused, both the WHO and the HPA accept that the condition exists, and the UN body estimates that up to three in every 100 people are affected by it.
Case History: 'I felt I was going into meltdown'
Until a year ago, Sarah Dacre reckoned she had a "blessed life". Running her own company, and living in an expensive north London home, the high-earning divorcee described herself as "fab, fit and 40s". Then suddenly the sight in her right eye failed: she first noticed it when she was unable to read an A-Z map. Soon she was getting pains and numbness in her joints. She could not sleep and spent nights "pacing about like a caged lion". Her short-term memory failed and if she took notes to remind her, she would forget she had made them.
The symptoms got worse whenever she was exposed to electricity. She could not use a computer for more than five minutes without becoming nauseous. Even using a telephone landline gave her a buzzing in the ear and made her feel she was "going into meltdown". © Copyright 2006 Independent News and Media Limited
POSSIBLE ALIEN DNA According to this article, ...strange cells ... fell as red rain for six weeks, across the Kerala region of southwest India in (July) 2001, following reports of an explosion in the sky. This month scientists confirmed the presence of DNA in the crimson rain - but still do not know whether the DNA is from an alien life form. The error will be assuming that it is extraterrestrial simply because the DNA does not match any known terrestrial species. Could this be the DNA of the alien intelligence existing within our reality? Doubtful - since that alien life form is not biological. This event occurred about 2 months before 9-11. Could there be some symbolic relevance to the two events? -Peter Gersten --- EXCERPT: Scientists in Britain say they have confirmed that DNA, the genetic blueprint for life, does exist in the mysterious red rain which fell over the Kerala region of India, in 2001. This could prove to be a key development in the work to find out whether there is any life form in outer space.
The blood-colored rain caused a storm of controversy among the world’s scientists. When first analyzed by Indian laboratories, it was suggested it contained unidentifiable biological cells that could have come from outer space.
Since, then, many theories have been put forward to explain the strange phenomenon, but the latest results, from studies carried out at Cardiff University in Britain, seem to confirm that the red color does come from living cells, although where they came remains a mystery.
<Windows Media Player Slide Show mms://>: Seen with a powerful microscope, these are the first pictures of the strange cells which fell as red rain for six weeks, across the Kerala region of south-west India in 2001, following reports of an explosion in the sky.
Indian scientists who first analyzed the rain expected to see grains of dust or sand, perhaps blown from the Sahara by freak winds. Instead, they found themselves looking at complex cell-like structures, that have many of the characteristics of living organisms. They were even more surprised to find the cells could be made to come to life and reproduce, under laboratory conditions.
SOT (English speech) super: Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology “If there was an explosion of a small piece of a comet over Kerala, and an explosion was in fact heard just minutes before the first rainfall, those particles would have drifted along a belt of latitude, but when you look at a map of the world, the latitudes west of Kerala run into the Indian Ocean and then into the Sahara. So if it fell all over that area it wouldn’t have been noticed, and in the Sahara there is not much rainfall, so the particles could have drifted a long way away and not be noticed.”
Sri Lanka-born Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe is head of the astrobiology unit of Cardiff University, in Wales. He is an internationally-renowned theoretical scientist who has been a champion of the theory of “panspermia” for over thirty years.
Developed with the late Sir Fred Hoyle, his theory proposes that life on Earth could have been seeded from outer space by wandering comets containing organisms from other worlds.
Ridiculed for many years, the theory is now slowly being accepted by an increasing number of scientists around the world, as more evidence comes to light.
SOT (English speech) super: Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology “Whether this particular red rain came from space or not wouldn’t determine the validity of panspermia. I think that there are many other lines of evidence that are all converging on the idea that life came from space.”
The first samples of Kerala’s red rain arrived at Cardiff University’s labs last month. Intensive investigation under high-powered microscopes confirmed the cell-like structures are biological and that they do contain DNA, the blue print of all life forms on Earth. What’s not yet known is whether it is terrestrial life or alien DNA, but investigators believe they will know soon.
SOT (English speech) super: Professor David Lloyd, Microbiology Unit, Cardiff University
“The samples have been kept very carefully in aseptic conditions, so the likelihood of contamination isn’t very great. But the question of where the organisms have come from is an open one.”
The Cardiff team is now comparing DNA from the red rain with that of all known terrestrial species. It’s a long and painstaking study, but if no known DNA from Earth matches, the only remaining possibility would be that it is an alien life form from outer space.
SOT (English speech) super: Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology
“Our genetic cousins are everywhere in the universe and all that happened on the Earth is that these bits and pieces of genes got together and made the entire spectrum of life that we see here on our planet“
Kerala’s red rain could yet provide conclusive evidence that the theory of panspermia is not only possible, but almost certainly was the way life started on Earth, 4 billion years ago. (RB/MN)
HACKER CLAIMS US HAS SPACESHIPS Gary McKinnon was hunting for evidence of a UFO cover-up as he snooped around NASA and the Pentagon's network. The US Justice Department is seeking to extradite Gary and send him to prison for up to 70 years for snooping within US government computer files. Gary was born in Glasgow in 1966, and moved to London with his mother and stepfather and is a bit of a UFO buff.
Gary claims he has been seeing data on Non-Terrestrial Officers and spaceships.
"The whole world thinks it's cooperating in building the International Space Station, but you've already got a space-based army that you refer to as Non-Terrestrial Officers."
Gary was hacking around Fort Meade, Fort Benning, etc - reading internal court martial reports of soldiers. At the Johnson Space Center he spied on photographs of cigar-shaped objects that might have been UFOs but - he says – they were probably satellites.
"You end up lusting after more and more complex security measures," he says. "It was like a game - a computer game. It was addictive. Hugely addictive. There were hackers snooping around every night for the entire five to seven years I was doing this. I found a list of officers' names," he claims, "under the heading 'Non-Terrestrial Officers'."
"I found a list of 'fleet-to-fleet transfers', and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren't US navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet." Apparently, the US has a secret spaceship like Mir, although "I was smoking a lot of dope at the time. Not good for the intellect."
SOURCE: Filer's Files #19 - 11 May 2006
UK: UFO STUDY FINDS NO SIGN OF ALIENS The 400-page report was kept secret for six years By Mark Simpson BBC News A confidential Ministry of Defense report on Unidentified Flying Objects has concluded that there is no proof of alien life forms.
In spite of the secrecy surrounding the UFO study, it seems citizens of planet Earth have little to worry about. The report, which was completed in 2000 and stamped "Secret: UK Eyes Only", has been made public for the first time. Only a small number of copies were produced and the identity of the man who wrote it has been protected.
His findings were only made public thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, after a request by Sheffield Hallam University academic Dr David Clarke.
The four-year study - entitled Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK - tackles the long-running question by UFO-spotters: "Is anyone out there?" The answer, it seems, is "no."
The 400-page report puts it like this: "No evidence exists to suggest that the phenomena seen are hostile or under any type of control, other than that of natural physical forces."
It adds: "There is no evidence that 'solid' objects exist which could cause a collision hazard."
So if there are no such things as little green men in spaceships or flying saucers, why have so many people reported seeing them? Well, here is the science bit.
"Evidence suggests that meteors and their well-known effects and, possibly some other less-known effects are responsible for some unidentified aerial phenomena," concludes the report. "Considerable evidence exists to support the thesis that the events are almost certainly attributable to physical, electrical and magnetic phenomena in the atmosphere, mesosphere and ionosphere. They appear to originate due to more than one set of weather and electrically charged conditions, and are observed so infrequently as to make them unique to the majority of observers."
People who claim to have had a "close encounter" are often difficult to persuade that they did not really see what they thought they saw. The report offers a possible medical explanation.
"The close proximity of plasma related fields can adversely affect a vehicle or person," states the report. "Local fields of this type have been medically proven to cause responses in the temporal lobes of the human brain. These result in the observer sustaining (and later describing and retaining) his or her own vivid, but mainly incorrect, description of what is experienced."
There are, of course, other causes of UFOs - airplanes with particularly bright lights, stray odd-shaped balloons and strange flocks of birds, to name but a few. Yet, it will be difficult to convince everyone that there is a rational explanation for all mysterious movements in the sky.
Some UFO-spotters believe governments will always cover up the truth about UFOs, because they are afraid of admitting that there is something beyond their control.
It is not clear how much time and effort the MoD has spent looking at the skies in recent years, but it appears there are no plans for an in-depth UFO report like the one written in 2000. A MoD spokesperson said: "Both this study and the original "Flying Saucer Working Party" [already in public domain in the national Archives] concluded that there is insufficient evidence to indicate the presence of any genuine unidentified aerial phenomena. "It is unlikely that we would carry out any future studies unless such evidence were to emerge."