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Sergio Pucheta shares his UFO experience: "IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANYBODY"

Treatment: The police officer is currently under psychiatric care within the framework of a "confusional episode". "I'm feeling somewhat nervous; my head aches and my hands itch," said the law enforcement agent who was interviewed Monday by a Barcelona (Spain) radio station. He asked that society "believe his story, since this had never happened to me before, and I didn't believe in any of this before."
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GENERAL PICO (Agencia) - Sergio Pucheta, the provincial police corporal involved in an alleged UFO experience, stated yesterday that "this could happen to anybody". It should be noted that the strange episode which had the officer as its protagonist, took place between the evening of March 2nd and early morning on Friday, March 3rd in the rural region of Dorila.

Pucheta, who was hospitalized at the Gobernador Centeno Hospital until noon Monday, only recently got in touch with the local press at his home on 104th and 25th streets where he lives with with his wife (pregnant) and his in-laws.

First, Pucheta showed a video made during the first days of February at a site close to the one where last Thursday's experience occurred. The images taken by the police officer show a round light apparently rotating on its axis.

It should be noted that this video was requisitioned by Minister Tierno in the early hours of Friday the 3rd while the police combed the area searching for the missing officer, who finally "appeared" at around 16:30 hours -- benumbed and in a fetal position -- on a rural road near Quemu Quemu, some 20 kilometers away from the place where his disappearance occurred. Moreover, the videotape was also requested by Pampan ufologist "Quique" Mario, who returned to General Pico yesterday to secure further details on Pucheta's ordeal.

Sergio Pucheta met with the media from General Pico at 09:30 hours yesterday, providing details of his experience for over an hour. "I was driving a motorcycle (a Honda 125 cc belonging to the Cattle Rustling Division) and when I reached the wilderness area we call "Las Caρas", I saw a red light similar to that of a car," he explained, adding that upon reaching the site, the light vanished. "Then I got off my motorcycle to see if could hear any noises. When I got back on the motorcycle and was about to put on my helmet, the red light appeared in front of me, against my face and very strong."

He followed by saying that the red light "stood in front of me and sort of hypnotized me," stressing that as a result of this contact he could "only move his hands, nothing else. I couldn't move the rest of my body...it was as if (the light) was going all over my body."

Later, he added that the light rose into the air and caused him "a considerable head and eye ache", a situation the officer tried to escape from, running away on foot into the fields, without recalling ever having dismantled his service pistol or the police walkie-talkie, which was subsequently found at the site together with other belongings, such as a cell phone which lost all of its stored phone numbers, except for the last call Pucheta made to his fellow officers, calling for backup.

The corporal explained that he has worked for the police force for some 8 years and that for the last two he has served in the Cattle Rustling Division (Division Abigeato) engaging in patrols between 19:30 and 22:00 hours along the rural region of Dorila, Speluzzi and Trebolares.

Pucheta also noted that as he ran into the rural field "they were always behind me", in reference to two pursuing entities. He likewise added "I can't recall if I was walking or running" and noted having remembered all of his life in a matter of seconds "from when I was little until now that I'm older, everything good or bad that ever happened to me."

Regarding the "entities" chasing him, he maintained that they "levitated" and described one of the figures as "being smaller than me, somewhat transparent, with a large head and clear red eyes ...the eyes were very red."

He explained that "they were utilizing my mind, as if they were performing tests," which he later described as "life tests" -- "For example, I reached a cornfield, and at a distance of some 10 meters saw a large figure that appeared to be chewing the corn cobs and was breaking something. I felt very scared and stood there staring at it. It was getting closer and closer and that's when I felt them tell me "either you go forward or backward". Then I stood thinking and walked right past the figure, and the fear sort of left me at that moment," he said.

When asked if the figure could be that of an animal, he said no, because "it was taller than me and much larger".

Meanwhile, Pucheta stated that throughout the experience he was "aware, because I was thinking about my family, in my wife and [our unborn child]...this was something real that was happening to me," adding that he felt great fear throughout the experience, except for when "I began remembering everything I'd ever been through since childhood. That was the loveliest thing that happened to me."

He later said that he currently "feels very afraid about going out at night" and that the entities told him telepathically that "the were going to seize another fellow officer who also travels alone."

With regard to the place from where the police rescued him, he said that he had been "waiting there since the morning. I was there from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon, sitting and waiting" in a place where "no one ever came by".

When asked why he hadn't decided to move away from that spot, he replied: "My feet were paralyzed...I was numb," adding fearfully "they told me that if I spent the day there until the evening, they would come back for me again."

The police officer was unable to explain if the "entities" had taken him somewhere, but he explained that during parts of the distance he covered "it was as though I was in the air" and even remembered having gone past young bull calves "that didn't move", as if the animals were unaware of his presence.

Sergio Pucheta also made it clear during the press conference that his experience is just one of "many cases" recorded in the rural area.

"Previously, my partner and I have seen thousands of those red lights. We once chased one right to the blacktop highway. It was raining and then we never found any traces of it, only our pickup truck."

He added that some two weeks ago "a fellow officer was driving along the access road to Agustoni and saw a light in the middle of the road. He thought it was a car and flashed his headlights at it, but the light wouldn't budge. When he was about to overtake it, the light moved from one side to another and flew straight up."

(Translation (c) 2006, Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology.
Special thanks to Christian Quintero, Planeta UFO)

SOURCE: Scott Corrales, Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology/
El Diario de la Pampa; March 8, 2006
and Conspiracy Journal 3/10/06 #356


A NASA video of the launch of the Columbia Space Shuttle in 2003 shows foam falling off the external tank just below the nose of the shuttle. http://www.nationalufocenter.com/artman/uploads/10shuttlecolumbialaunch.jpg

The photo below shows a UFO on the left just after booster separation as Columbia passes through 222,000 feet and 48 Miles from the Cape Canaveral.

The shuttle engines are the light on the right, while the peanut UFO is on the left. Just a few minutes after launch a UFO can be seen passing the shuttle at triple its speed. The Columbia is the object in the bottom half of the screen. NASA's Official Cause of the crash is as follows:

"The physical cause of the loss of Columbia and its crew was a breach in the Thermal Protection System on the leading edge of the left wing, caused by a piece of insulating foam which separated from the left bipod ramp section of the External Tank at 81.7 seconds after launch, and struck the wing in the vicinity of the lower half of Reinforced Carbon - Carbon panel number 6. During re-entry this breach in the Thermal Protection System allowed superheated air to penetrate through the leading edge insulation and progressively melt the aluminum structure of the left wing, resulting in a weakening of the structure until increasing aerodynamic forces caused loss of control, failure of the wing, and break-up of the Orbiter. This breakup occurred in a flight regime in which, given the current design of the Orbiter, there was no possibility for the crew to survive."

A piece of foam weighing two pounds fell off the 154-foot-long fuel tank during Columbia's launch on January 16, striking heat-resistant tiles on the shuttle's left wing. The fuel tank and the shuttle our accelerating through 500 mph when the foam breaks loose and falls, engineers felt this would not be a strong enough impact to hurt the shuttle. The UFO passing close by the shuttle may have created a larger impact than the foam.

On February 1, 2003, Kirkland AFB cameras pick up Columbia with trail descending from about 45 miles high traveling at 16,000 mph, at 5:53 AM, when it encounters a hovering white brighter light. The shuttle now on the left descends past the bright light and almost immediately starts breaking up. No explanation has given for UFOs in various videos. See great video at:

SOURCE: Filer's Files #9 - 1 Mar 2006
Text only: http://www.ufoinfo.com/filer/2006/ff0609.shtml


Panama City -- On February 8, 2006, a crystal clear night, I stepped outside to have a cigarette at 7:22 PM, and looked up when I heard jets from Tyndall Air Force Base. At first, I saw three fighters and a strange craft that was lit up all over with yellowish lights. One of the fighters was within five hundred feet of it and the other two were about two miles behind in hot pursuit. The large yellow craft peeled off and was out of sight in a matter of seconds, however the fighters did not follow but they did kick on their afterburners until I couldn't see them anymore, even with binoculars. I called my girlfriend outside to see, and she saw something move very quickly across the sky in a second that definitely freaked her out. As I continued to watch the jets and afterburners, I caught something by pure chance moving at a high rate of speed. I thought it was a dim star, but it was moving extremely fast coming from the direction the jets were heading. At this point, the base came alive and more jets were launched. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director www.UFOcenter.com

SOURCE: Filer's Files #9 - 1 Mar 2006
Text only: http://www.ufoinfo.com/filer/2006/ff0609.shtml

02 March 2006

Archaeologists have discovered a pharaonic sun temple with large statues believed to be of King Ramses II under an outdoor marketplace in Cairo. Zahi Hawass, head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, said the partially uncovered site is the largest sun temple to be found in the capital's Aim Shams and Matariya districts, where the ancient city of Heliopolis - the centre of pharaonic sun worship - was located.

Among the artefacts was a pink granite statue weighing about four tonnes whose features "resemble those of Ramses II", Hawass said. Also found was a 1.5m-high statue of a seated figure with hieroglyphics that include three cartouches with the name of Ramses II, the council said in a statement. The green pavement stones of the temple's floor were also uncovered.

More discoveries possible
An Egyptian team working with the German Archaeological Mission in Egypt discovered the site under the Souq al-Khamis, a market in eastern Cairo, Hawass said.

He said that "the market has to be removed" as archaeologists excavate the entire site. "Other significant discoveries might be waiting to be excavated now, and compensation will be paid to the shop owners." Hawas said: "We are planning to make the whole area as a tourists and archaeological site, maybe after two years."

King Ramses II, who ruled Egypt for 66 years from 1270 to 1213 BC, had erected monuments up and down the Nile with records of his achievements, as well as building temples - including Abu Simbel, erected near what is now Egypt's southern border.

Ancient city
Numerous temples to Egypt's sun gods - particularly the chief god Ra - were built in ancient Heliopolis. But little remains of what was one the ancient Egyptians' most sacred cities, since much of the stone used in the temples was later plundered. The area is now covered with residential neighborhoods, close to a modern district of Cairo called Heliopolis.

Heliopolis was a region known in ancient times for sun worship and where the council says a calendar based on the solar year was invented.

SOURCE: http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/8AFA4E17-30EB-4C73-8BD2-7F3A8592C51C.htm


Scientists say the bones prove the skeleton walked upright
US and Ethiopian scientists say they have discovered the fossilised remains of one of the earliest human ancestors. The research team, working in the north-east of Ethiopia, believe the remains of the hominid, or primitive human, date back four million years.

They say initial study of the bones indicates the creature was bipedal - it walked around on two legs.

The fossils were found just 60km (40 miles) from the site where the famous hominid Lucy was discovered.

Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis), whose remains were unearthed in 1974, lived 3.2 million years ago and is thought to have given rise to the Homo line that ended in modern humans.

Like Lucy?
The as yet unnamed fossil creature, found in February at a new site called Mille in the Afar region of Ethiopia, looks to be even older than Lucy.

Could the skeleton be even older than Lucy?
The remains include a complete tibia from the lower part of the leg, parts of the thighbone or femur, ribs, vertebrae, a collarbone, pelvis and a complete shoulder blade.

"The discovery of 12 early hominid fossil specimens estimated to be between 3.8 and 4 million years old will be important in terms of understanding the early phases of human evolution before Lucy," Yohannes Haile Selassie told a news conference.

Researchers are often happy to find isolated bones belonging to human ancestors of this age, so to find a partial skeleton is exceptional.

The team that found it says the discovery is also significant because, due to the structure of the ankle bone, the individual almost certainly walked upright like modern people.

The find, one of a series of hominid fossils which are still being unearthed, held many mysteries, said Bruce Latimer, of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, US, who made the discovery with his Ethiopian colleague.

"It is already clear that the individual was larger than Lucy; it has longer legs than Lucy... but it is older which is strange," he said.

Early walkers
It is currently too early to say what sex or species the creature was, say the researchers.

"We have a pelvis which can tell us whether it was male or female. But the whole pelvis is embedded in a rock matrix. That's going to take a lot of time to clean up," Dr Haile Selassie told the BBC News website.

The team had to return home because they were nearing the end of their field season, leaving the excavation unfinished. But there are plans to return to the discovery site in December.

"If you want to look at the sex, stature and what species it is, you have to have all the elements that can be retrieved from the excavation," the Ethiopian researcher added.

Dr Haile Selassie plans to return to the discovery site later this year.

The discovery of the remains of at least nine primitive hominids of similar age to the latest find was announced in January.

Those fossils, which were uncovered at As Duma in the north of Ethiopia, were mostly teeth and jaw fragments, but also include parts of hands and feet.

Bipedalism is a crucial aspect of the human form, palaeoanthropologists believe - but there is a great deal of debate about when exactly this ability first arose in our lineage.

There is some evidence that much older hominids could walk upright.

Foot bones from the species Ardipithecus ramidus and Ardipithecus kadabba have features diagnostic of bipedalism.

And recent computed tomography (CT) scans of the thighbone of a six-million-year-old Kenyan creature known as Orrorin tugenensis suggest it might have had quite a human gait.

And a seven-million-year-old hominid from Chad, known as Sahelanthropus tchadensis and nicknamed Toumai, may also have been bipedal. The assessment is based on an analysis of where the animal's spine would have entered the skull and the position of muscle attachments on its head.

SOURCE: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4322687.stm



Five siblings from Turkey who walk on all fours could provide science with an insight into human evolution, researchers have said. The four sisters and one brother could yield clues to why our ancestors made the transition from four-legged to two-legged animals, says a UK expert. But Professor Nicholas Humphrey rejects the idea that there is a "gene" for bipedalism, or upright walking.

A BBC documentary about the family will be shown on Friday 17 March.

Professor Humphrey, from the London School of Economics (LSE), says that our own species' transition to walking on two feet must have been a more complex process that involved many changes to the skeleton and to the human genetic make-up. However, a German group says a genetic abnormality does seem to be involved in the siblings' gait.

Coordination problem
Three of the sisters and one brother have only ever walked on two hands and two feet, but another sister alternates between a bipedal and quadrupedal gait. Another brother walks on two feet all the time, but only with difficulty.

The siblings live with their parents and five other brothers and sisters. They were born with what looks like a form of brain damage. MRI scans seem to show that they have a form of cerebellar ataxia, which affects balance and coordination. However, scientists are divided on what caused them to revert to quadrupedalism (walking on all fours).

The method of locomotion used by the Turkish children and by our closest relatives chimpanzees and gorillas, differs in a crucial way, said Professor Humphrey. While gorillas and chimpanzees walk on their knuckles, the Turkish siblings put their weight on the wrists, lifting their fingers off the ground.

Tool use
"What's significant about that is that chimpanzees ruin their fingers walking like that," Professor Humphrey, an evolutionary psychologist, told the BBC News website. These kids have kept their fingers very agile, for example, the girls in the family can do crochet and embroidery." He added that calluses pictured on the hands of one family member demonstrated that the behaviour was not a hoax.

Professor Humphrey said this could be the way that humankind's direct ancestors walked. Hands which have kept the fingers dextrous would also have been able to manipulate tools, a key development which influenced the evolution of the human body and intelligence.

"I think it's possible that what we are seeing in this family is something that does correspond to a time when we didn't walk like chimpanzees but was an important step between coming down from the trees and becoming fully bipedal," the LSE researcher said.

'Infant walking'
Professor Humphrey thinks that the brain abnormality simply caused the siblings to rediscover a form of locomotion used by our ancestors. "Because of the peculiar circumstances they were in, they kept walking as infants," he said.

But a team led by Stefan Mundlos of the Max Planck Institute in Berlin, Germany, thinks that the genetic abnormality which causes the children's unusual gait may have played a more fundamental role in evolution. Professor Mundlos has located the gene on chromosome 17 and speculates that a gene important in the transition to bipedalism may have been knocked out in the children.

Producer on the documentary Jemima Harrison said the programme's producers were moved by the family's "tremendous warmth and humanity".

SOURCE: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4782492.stm 
and Conspiracy Journal 3/10/06 #356


The island of Iona off the west coast of Scotland is steeped in ancient lore and mystery. Known internationally as the monastic birthplace of Scottish religion, it is a place of pilgrimage and deep spirituality. St. Columba landed there in 563 AD with 13 followers and established a monastery. This isolated island, off the south-western tip of Mull, was soon to become the intellectual powerhouse of the medieval world.

There are those who say that Columba didn't choose this island by accident, but that it is a place which has magnetically attracted spiritual seekers since before the birth of Christ. To them this island is a special place thought to have been the repository of many ancient items and many ancient mysteries.

They believe that Iona once housed an incredible library and held the most extraordinary books known to man. Think Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose or the recent international best-seller The Rule of Four by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason and consider that a hunt for hidden knowledge and elusive manuscripts could actually be very real.

Pre-Columba the island was sometimes referred to as Innis nam Druidneach, the Isle of Druids. Old stories record St Columba and his followers fighting off the local Druid elders when they landed to take possession of the island.

This version of history sees fifth-century Druids escaping persecution from Imperial Rome and finding sanctuary on the outer wilds of civilisation. There, it is said, they founded a library – which if true would be extraordinary, as the Druids were not known as a people who wrote down their teachings. The impact that finding this library would have on our interpretation of history would be explosive. But as revelatory as this would be, it gets even better.

Another story attached to the island suggests that as well as housing the written records of the Druids it was also home to books from the greatest library in Europe.

Scottish history is a murky puddle. Few records exist for the first half of the first millennium. Stories, myths and half-truths cloud this period and a consensus is impossible to find. Yet some histories have King Fergus II joining forces with Alaric the Goth to fight the Roman Empire during its decline and fall. This version of history reports that when Rome fell in 410 AD Fergus II was not only there, but carried off books from the plundered libraries of that once great city. These books would have been marvellous: illuminated religious manuscripts, books from the ancient Greek philosophers and ancient Persians. This treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom was said to have been brought back by Fergus and taken to Iona for safekeeping in the Druidic library.

If this library were ever found it would be historical dynamite. Unfortunately for such a potentially great story, there isn't a lot of historical proof. Dr William Ferguson, author of The Identity of the Scottish Nation, doesn't think it terribly likely.

"This is a tradition, a tale, there is no proof," says Ferguson "There may have been such books, but if they did exist, then they've vanished. Nobody's ever been able to prove or disprove it."

Yet there was one historian who gave credence to the presence of ancient manuscripts on the island. Hector Boece, a 14th century Scottish philosopher, claimed he wrote his book History of the Scottish People based on a mysterious tome that he found on Iona.

However, few historians give credence to Boece's book, regarding him as something of a Walter Mitty character. There is a serious question mark over whether Boece really found books on Iona or whether he made up his history.

Whilst historians are not exactly queuing up to support the Druidic/ancient Roman library, there does still remain a mystery to be solved. When Columba established his first Celtic church on Iona in the sixth century he established a scriptorium. Dr E Mairi MacArthur, author of Columba's Island: Iona from Past to Present, is convinced that books would have been produced there from his time.

"The monastic library must have been there from Columba. All the monasteries had monks scribbling away," says MacArthur.

These monks worked tirelessly illuminating manuscripts and copying and writing poetry. One only has to look to the greatest surviving example from Iona – the Book of Kells, currently at Trinity College, Dublin – to imagine the treasures that were housed here. Such was the quality of the work done on Iona that at its height it became one of the greatest centres of learning in Dark Age Europe.

And here lies the final enigma. The Book of Kells may have survived, but what happened to the other books? Many historians think they were destroyed in the ninth century during Viking raids, but MacArthur for one is not so sure.

"The idea goes that the monks must have had books, the Vikings came and the books have disappeared, ergo the Vikings took or destroyed the books," she says.

MacArthur thinks it is much more likely that the books travelled between Iona and Ireland, or perhaps even further afield. Or there is the possibility that they were hidden for safekeeping.

St Andrews University archaeology students certainly thought they had been hidden. In the 1950s they conducted a dig on the Treshnish Islands, near to Iona, in search of the lost books. They found nothing. But who knows if they could still be there, a hidden cache of history and knowledge that, if found, might possibly represent the most important find of our time.

Source: Scotsman
and Conspiracy Journal 3/3/06 #355


High on Mt. Ararat in eastern Turkey, there is a baffling mountainside "anomaly," a feature that one researcher claims may be something of biblical proportions.

Images taken by aircraft, intelligence-gathering satellites and commercial remote-sensing spacecraft are fueling an intensive study of the intriguing oddity. But whether the anomaly is some geological quirk of nature, playful shadows, a human-made structure of some sort, or simply nothing at all—that remains to be seen.

Whatever it is, the anomaly of interest rests at 15,300 feet (4,663 meters) on the northwest corner of Mt. Ararat, and is nearly submerged in glacial ice. It would be easy to call it merely a strange rock formation.

But at least one man wonders if it could be the remains of Noah's Ark—a vessel said to have been built to save people and selected animals from the Great Flood, the 40 days and 40 nights of deluge as detailed in the Book of Genesis.

The Genesis blueprint of the Ark detailed the structure as 6:1 length to width ratio (300 cubits by 50 cubits). The anomaly, as viewed by satellite, is close to that 6:1 proportion.

Newfound optimism
Identifying the Ararat anomaly has been a 13-year-long quest of Porcher Taylor, an associate professor in paralegal studies at the University of Richmond's School of Continuing Studies in Virginia.

Taylor has been a national security analyst for more than 30 years, also serving as a senior associate for five years at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C.

"I've got new found optimism ... as far as my continuing push to have the intelligence community declassify some of the more definitive-type imagery," Taylor told SPACE.com/LiveScience. He points to a "new and significant development," a high-resolution image taken by DigitalGlobe's impressive QuickBird satellite and shown here publicly for the first time [alternate version with no annotation].

"I'm calling this my satellite archeology project," Taylor said. It's an effort that has now included use of QuickBird, GeoEye's Ikonos spacecraft, Canada's Radarsat 1, as well as declassified aerial and satellite images taken by the various U.S. intelligence agencies.

Making the mountain transparent
Taylor said his goal is straightforward: Combining this imagery to make the Ararat anomaly transparent to the public, as well as to the discerning, dispassionate eyes of scientists, imagery analysts, and other experts.

"I had no preconceived notions or agendas when I began this in 1993 as to what I was looking for," Taylor said.

As for the saga of Noah's Ark, he is quick to note that there are those who say it is fable while some take it as truth.

Nevertheless, the anomaly may not be a ridge line of ice, snow and possibly rock, but an artificial ridge line, Taylor said. "I maintain that if it is the remains of something manmade and potentially nautical, then it's potentially something of biblical proportions."

While chiding the intelligence communities to release more of their closely guarded satellite imagery, Taylor said that soon-to-fly commercial remote sensing spacecraft are sure to help his archeological undertaking.

"We've got three new birds that are going up. I'm using all my clout, rapport and lobbying to, hopefully, have them at least fly calibration runs over Mt. Ararat," Taylor said. Those images would make the mountain even more transparent, he said.

Will it float?
Meanwhile, Taylor has an ever-expanding network of experts to help tease out the truth about the anomaly.

For example, satellite imagery analyst Rod Franz of SunTek Media Group/RiteImage, Inc., located in Henderson, Nevada, has taken a look at imagery provided by Taylor of the Ararat anomaly and carried out additional analysis of the area. As director of training for the firm, Franz sharpened his skills by serving nearly 25 years as a military intelligence imagery analyst.

For the anomaly assessment, the same software tools used for studying government and commercial remote sensing data were employed, Franz told SPACE.com/LiveScience. Ground distances and scales of the anomaly were determined. That software also has the ability to adjust brightness, haze, sharpness, contrast and other factors of the area of interest, he said.

"Along with many other image manipulation functions ... I also used the pseudo-color function trying to determine if I could detect anything under the ice and snow," Franz said.

The face of the anomaly measured 1,015 feet (309 meters) across, Franz said. "I also found the shape of the anomaly appears to fit on a circle. I am not sure what this means, if anything, but I find it curious."

Given that length, Taylor pointed out, the anomaly dwarfs the Titanic and Bismarck in size, and equals the size of the largest modern aircraft carrier. That analysis would seem to call into question whether the anomaly is a wooden ship and raises a key question: If a boat were truly that huge, would it float?

There are also experts in remote sensing who offer a skeptical view.

"Image interpretation is an art," said Farouk El-Baz, Director of the Boston University Center for Remote Sensing.

"One has to be familiar with Sun lighting effects on the shape of observed features," El-Baz said. "Very slight changes in slope modify shadow shapes that affect the interpretations. Up to this time, all the images I have seen can be interpreted as natural landforms. The feature that has been interpreted as the 'Ararat Anomaly' is to me a ledge of rock in partial shadow, with varied thickness of snow and ice cover.

Thanks to more satellite imagery in the offing, as well as other studies underway, Taylor said his remote archeological research is on the upswing. There is an ultimate end-game. That is, on-the-spot ground truth ... and Taylor hopes his research findings will catalyze a top-notch expedition to the area. "It is whatever it is," he said.

But for now, satellite remote sensing to carry out archeological "digs" from space will fill in for an in-the-field expedition.

Just a few weeks ago, for example, NASA scientists utilizing space- and aircraft-based remote sensing hardware and techniques uncovered Maya ruins hidden in the rainforests of Central America for more than 1,000 years.

"For explorers, imagery from GeoEye's Ikonos satellite married with Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite data has become as indispensable as water and freeze dried food for any expedition. One does not want to leave home without it," said Mark Brender, GeoEye Vice President for communications and marketing, headquartered in Dulles, Virginia.

For researchers, imagery from space like those provided by GeoEye provides "the ultimate high shot" and a contextual view you could never get from observations on the ground or even from a plane, Brender told SPACE.com/LiveScience. "It's visual truth serum."

Source: Space.com
and Conspiracy Journal 3/17/06 #357


Earthly bacteria could have reached distant planets and moons after being flung into space by massive meteorite impacts, scientists suggest. The proposal neatly reverses the panspermia theory, which suggests that life on Earth was seeded by microbes on comets or meteorites from elsewhere.

Both theories envision life spreading through the Solar System in much the same way that germs race around a crowded classroom, says Jeff Moore, a planetary scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California. "Once one planet comes down with life, they all get it."

Impacts on Mars and the Moon are known to throw rocks into space that end up on Earth as small meteorites. But spraying Earth rocks towards the edges of the Solar System is more difficult, because the material has to move away from the Sun's strong gravity.

To find out just how many rocks could reach the outer Solar System, a team of scientists used a computer model to track millions of fragments ejected by a simulated massive impact, such as the one that created the Chicxulub crater some 65 million years ago. Similar sized events are thought to have happened a few times in Earth's history.

The researchers looked in part at how many Earthly fragments would reach environments thought to be relatively well suited to life, such as Saturn's moon Titan and Jupiter's moon Europa. "I assumed the answer would be very, very few," says Brett Gladman, a planetary scientist at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, who led the team.

But Gladman was surprised to find that within 5 million years, about 100 objects would hit Europa, while Titan gets roughly 30 hits. He presented the results at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in League City, Texas, on 16 March.

But could bacteria survive the sudden heat and acceleration of being thrown into space?

Other researchers at the conference suggest that they can. Wayne Nicholson, a microbiologist from the University of Florida in Gainesville, has tested the idea with a gun the size of a house at NASA's Ames Research Center.

He and his colleagues fired a marble-sized pellet at about 5 kilometres per second into a plate that contained bacterial spores in water, in order to simulate a meteorite impact. The debris that scattered upwards was caught in sheets of foam, and the team found that about one in 10,000 bacteria survived. "It's an experimental validation of a fairly well established calculation," says Moore.

Many astrobiologists believe that bacteria, once in space, could survive cosmic-radiation exposure during their trip. Unfortunately, a crash landing on Europa would almost certainly sterilize the few rocks that made it that far.

"But Titan is a different story," says Gladman. The moon's thick atmosphere would first shatter the meteorite before slowing the fragments down; the same process happens with meteorite impacts on Earth. "It's a nice safety net," Gladman says. The heat of landing could even melt the ice and open up a short-lived pool of liquid for the visitors, he adds.

At the conference, Gladman was asked whether, assuming a few bugs did make it safely on to Titan's surface, they could ever really thrive in the moon's chilly climes of about -170°C. "That's for you guys to work out," he told the audience. "I'm just the delivery boy."

SOURCE: Nature http://www.nature.com/news/2006/060313/full/060313-18.html
Conspiracy Journal 3/24/06 #358

by Staff Writers
Boulder CO (SPX) March 5, 2006

An asteroid named 2000 PN9 will fly past Earth at a distance of about 2 million miles on March 6. There is no danger of a collision with the mile-wide space rock, but its nearest approach distance of eight lunar distances - on average, the Moon is 384,401 kilometers, or 246,017 miles away. It will be bright enough (12th magnitude) for amateur astronomers to photograph it using larger backyard telescopes and CCD cameras.

Potentially Hazardous Asteroids are space rocks larger than about 100 meters (300 feet) wide that can approach Earth at distances closer than 0.05 astronomical units (the distance from Earth to the Sun), or about 4.6 million miles.

At present, none of the 776 known PHAs is on a collision course with the planet for the foreseeable future - although astronomers are finding new ones all the time.

SOURCE: http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Mile_Wide_Asteroid_Passes_Close_On_Monday.html

by Staff Writers
Boston MA (SPX) March 5, 2006

Researchers have discovered the remnants of the largest crater of the Great Sahara of North Africa, which may have been formed by a meteorite impact tens of millions of years ago. Farouk El-Baz and Eman Ghoneim of Boston University's Center for Remote Sensing made the discovery while studying satellite images of the Western Desert of Egypt.

The double-ringed crater – which has an outer rim surrounding an inner ring – is approximately 31 kilometers (nearly 19.8 miles) in diameter. Prior to the latest finding, the Sahara's biggest known crater, in Chad, measured just over 12 kilometers (7.7 miles). El-Baz said the crater's vast area suggests the impact object might have been a meteorite the entire size of Meteor Crater in Arizona, which is 1.2 kilometers (about three-quarters of a mile) wide.

El-Baz named the find Kebira, meaning "large" in Arabic, and also relates to the crater's physical location on the northern tip of the Gilf Kebir region in southwestern Egypt. He said it is uncertain why why a crater this big had never been found before.

"Kebira may have escaped recognition because it is so large – equivalent to the total expanse of the Cairo urban region from its airport in the northeast to the Pyramids of Giza in the southwest," El-Baz said. "Also, the search for craters typically concentrates on small features, especially those that can be identified on the ground. The advantage of a view from space is that it allows us to see regional patterns and the big picture."

El-Baz and Ghoneim also found evidence Kebira has suffered significant water and wind erosion, which may have helped to disguise its features. "The courses of two ancient rivers run through it from the east and west," Ghoneim said.

The local terrain is composed of 100 million year-old sandstone – the same material that underlies much of the eastern Sahara. The researchers said they hope field investigations and samples of the host rock will help determine the exact age of the crater and its surroundings.

Kebira's shape is reminiscent of the many double-ringed craters on the Moon, which El-Baz remembers from his years of work with the Apollo program. Because of this, he thinks the crater will figure prominently in future research in comparative planetology. It also could prove to be the event responsible for the extensive field of desert glass – yellow-green silica glass fragments found on the desert surface between the giant dunes of the Great Sand Sea in southwestern Egypt.

SOURCE: http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/

by Staff Writers
Boulder CO (SPX) Mar 30, 2006

A new study of melted rock ejected far from the Yucatan's Chicxulub impact crater bolsters the idea that the famed impact was too early to have caused the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

A careful geochemical fingerprinting of glass spherules found in multiple layers of sediments from northeast Mexico, Texas, Guatemala, Belize, and Haiti all point back to Chicxulub as their source. But the analysis places the impact at about 300,000 years before the infamous extinctions marking the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods, a.k.a. the K-T boundary.

Using an array of electron microscopy techniques, Markus Harting of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands has found that chemical compositions of the spherules all match what would be expected of rocks melted at the Chicxulub impact. The spherules are now found in several layers because after they originally hit the ground, they were "reworked" by erosion to create later layers of sediments, he said. It's this reworking long after the impact that has misplaced some of the spherules into sediments that, based on the fossils in the same sediments, are misleadingly close to the K-T boundary.

Harting is scheduled to present his latest findings on Monday, 3 April Backbone of the Americas-– Patagonia to Alaska. The meeting is co-convened by the Geological Society of America and the Asociacion Geologica Argentina, with collaboration of the Sociedad Geologica de Chile. The meeting takes place 3-7 April in Mendoza, Argentina.

"The whole story is that it's a single impact event," said Harting of his analysis of the multiple spherule layers. In fact, the original spherule layer is not particularly hard to make out, since its spherules are not as abraded and damaged as those which were moved around and re-deposited in later, higher sediments. Above these, and younger still, Harting has also identified the famous layer of extraterrestrial iridium in sediments worldwide which was originally touted as the smoking gun for an impact somewhere on Earth at the K-T boundary.

"In most of the sections we found spherules we also found the iridium layer at or near the K-T boundary," said Harting. "That makes the mismatch with Chicxulub even more obvious."

The sediments from the region are also providing clues to what transpired during those 300,000 years between the impact and the K-T boundary die-offs. "Nothing happened between them," said Harting. "The K-T iridium layer is a totally different event."

Disconnecting the Chicxulub impact from the K-T boundary also helps make sense of some other oddities in the iridium layer. In the Gulf of Mexico, close to the impact site, iridium is found at a weak concentration, just one part per billion, says Harting. Yet farther away in Denmark, higher concentrations of iridium are found. "This doesn't really make sense," he said, unless, of course, the impact and iridium layer are not related.

All this begs the question: What, then, created the worldwide iridium layer, if not a humongous impact? One possibility is that Earth and perhaps the entire solar system were passing through a thick cloud of cosmic dust 65 million years ago.

"You probably have a time when lots of meteorites are coming down and never touching the ground," said Harting. Instead they burned up as "shooting stars," depositing their iridium in the atmosphere. There it was quickly rained out, washed into lakes and oceans and buried in contemporary sediments.

Another burning question is whether the massive impact - which undoubtedly occurred and was certainly catastrophic - is responsible for any extinction at all. Maybe, answers Harting. There is the case of the ammonites, the once ubiquitous nautilus-like sea creatures that died out at about the same time as the Chicxulub impact and before the K-T boundary, he said.

But whether the impact was the ammonite killer is not at all clear, according to Harting. Early models of the Chicxulub impact called on a "nuclear winter" scenario, in which a dust-shrouded world went cold and plant life died away for years, to cause mass extinctions. Yet sun-loving animals like crocodiles and turtles appear to have glided right through without any ill effects. And that is, perhaps the silver lining to Chicxulub's fall from the status of most-massive-of-all-murderers: Even giant impacts aren't necessarily global catastrophes.

SOURCE: http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Chicxulub_Didnt_Kill_The_Dinosaurs.html


LONDON, So maybe the Loch Ness monster was actually a circus elephant.

Neil Clark, curator of paleontology at the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow, sees striking similarities between descriptions of Nessie and what an Indian elephant looks like while swimming. And perhaps not coincidentally, a traveling circus featuring elephants passed by the misty lake in the 1930s at the height of the monster sightings.

"It is quite possible that people not used to seeing a swimming elephant -- the vast bulk of the animal is submerged, with only a thick trunk and a couple of humps visible," thought they saw a monster, Clark said in an interview Tuesday.

By publishing his theory in the current issue of a British scientific journal, Clark has reignited passionate discussion here about the great Scottish mystery.

Clark noted that in 1933, impresario Bertram Mills promised anyone who could capture the monster for his circus a 20,000-pound reward, which Clark reckoned would be equivalent to nearly $1.8 million today. Perhaps Mills dared offer such a huge sum because he knew it would never be claimed, Clark speculated.

As early as the 6th century, a "monster" was reported in Loch Ness in northern Scotland; Saint Columba is said to have saved a man who had been attacked by a monster in 565. Since then, and as recently as last year, there have been hundreds of reported sightings.

Clark acknowledged that those before and after the 1930s cannot be explained by the elephant theory. But he said the vast majority of sightings occurred not long after 1933, the first year of the A82, a road that runs alongside the lake. Around that time, Mills's traveling circus was visiting nearby Inverness and "would have stopped on the banks of Loch Ness to allow their animals to rest."

At Loch Ness, where scientists have used everything from submarines to sonar to try to explain the mysterious sightings, news that the monster might be a circus owner's marketing ploy didn't go down well. Nessie is, after all, at the core of the lake's lucrative tourist industry.

"Ah! Bloody dismissive, that's what people are," said George Edwards, skipper of the Nessie Hunter, a tour boat on Loch Ness.

Reached by phone, Edwards said he didn't think much of the pachyderm hypothesis. For one thing, he said, "How does it account for more recent sightings? Yes, it's possible -- you can never say never, but I think its very, very unlikely."

Edwards, 54, said that more than once in his 20 years of navigating the lake he has seen something he couldn't explain. He described it as "dark humps in the water," but "not the media monster" with the long neck. He said his theory is that an unidentified species lives in Loch Ness.

Adrian Shine, leader of the Loch Ness Project, a research effort, also dismissed Clark's theory. He said it struck him as the kind of thing he might expect on April Fools' Day.

People who live close to Loch Ness are polarized about Nessie. Those who believe they have seen a monster -- or know someone who has -- find her as real as Scotland's bitter winter winds. Others are equally sure that Nessie is hot air. Asked which group he fell into, Shine said: "I am not a believer. I am an investigator. . . . I am still investigating."

On Tuesday, many people across Britain found themselves confronted by television and newspaper photos and artist renderings of Nessie and a swimming elephant, and many agreed there were similarities.

"Elephants do swim, and they love it," said Olivia Walter, program coordinator for the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums, which has found itself fielding lots of questions about the water habits of elephants.

They do indeed submerge their bodies, leaving their trunks above water. Whether they would find Loch Ness refreshing en route to a performance, she said, "is another question."

Clark chuckled when asked about the fallout of his article in the Open University Geological Society Journal. Nessie is a "loved monster," he said. Some people find his explanation persuasive and say they can't believe they didn't think of it before, he said. But he said others have scolded him, saying, "You naughty man. You shouldn't be carrying on with this nonsense."

SOURCE: The Washington Post
and Conspiracy Journal 3/10/06 #356


Cryptozoology can be separated into three classifications: Out of place animals - Alien Big Cats in Britain for example. Previously unknown species - for example Bigfoot and the Mongolian Death Worm. Paleocryptids - those species that once existed but though extinct still make appearances and leave evidence of their continued existence. Creatures like the Tasmanian wolf, the Marsupial Cat and the New Zealand Moa. No animal has had more speculation heaped upon it than the Moa.

These birds evolved around 85 million years ago on the southern Super-continent called Gondwanaland. They belonged to a group known as Ratites; the family includes Ostriches, Emus and the extinct Elephant Bird of Madagascar. Once New Zealand separated from Gondwanaland and became isolated it enabled the Moa to survive in a relatively predator free environment, filled with avian fauna, the only mammals present were three species of small bats. Recently discovered fossil evidence further seems to indicate there was a species of both Python and Crocodile which may have included Moa on the menu. This isolation enabled these birds to obtain a wide variety of sizes, from small Turkey sized species such as Euryapteryx curtus to the gigantic Dinoris giganteus which stood 4 meters tall and weighed in at 250 kilograms. All Moa species were herbivorous browsers. They ranged in habitat from the alpine regions to the coastal areas.

The main mysteries surrounding this bird is when did it become extinct, or if it is in fact extinct. It has been implied the Moa was already on the decline before the human colonization commenced; evidence from Maori butchering and cooking sites show there must have been an abundance of birds, judging by the wasteful practices engaged in the butchering process. Meat from the thighs were primarily used, the remainder of the carcass was left to perish.

This is rather surprising, Maori of old were very conservation conscious to ensure resources were not overtaxed. This was accomplished by oral tradition and folklore; seasons set out for hunting different species guaranteed a recovery period. Even the name Moa is somewhat of a conundrum, it does not appear among theoral traditional legends of the Maori, the term used to widely make reference to this bird was Tarepo. It seems generally accepted that the large species were supposed to have been extinct by the early 1800's, and if not already extinct by then, they had become extremely scarce. However if is plausible that some of the smaller species, neglected as a food source because of their bigger relatives may have persisted longer.

The mid to late 1800's produced many reports of large birds witnessed in isolated areas of bush; this was an era of exploration, regions were being opened up for settlement. Many reports focused on the South Island, as gold prospectors and surveyors pushed into the isolated interior areas. One of the most curious reports of this period includes a confrontation between a sheep dog and a Moa, the Moa turned on the dog after being harassed, once the dog backed off, the Moa was witnessed to bob its head up and down in the direction of the dog in what seemed to be a possible threat posture.

1931 and 1960 saw further reports of large birds in the bush of the South Island, in 1989 a pair of birds were observed by trampers, once more in the South Island. All accounts seemed to involve the large species of Moa. In 1990 there were several sightings of large Birds, in the Arthur's Pass district, and tracks were found on two occasions. The most recent sighting caught World Media attention.

On January 20th 1993 three companions were tramping the Craigieburn Rangearea, Paddy Freaney, Sam Waby and Rochelle Rafferty. Mr. Waby paused at a secluded stream for a drink; Paddy Freaney's attention was drawn to a large bird which was nearby watching them. Freaney drew the attention of his associates to the bird, which then panicked and fled. Freaney chased the bird, with camera in hand, and at an approximated 35 meters got the now famous photo of the bird; he further discovered and photographed, after loosing sight of it, wet bird footprints on a rock. These pictures were shown to a Department of Conservation Officer who expressed the opinion that the bird seemed very much like Megapteryxdidinus, a sub-alpine species of moa known to have populated the South Island.

Computer analysis was performed on the photo by Canterbury University, specialists at the University expressed the view that the photograph was of a genuine large bird and not some prop stage to look like one. Deer and other four footed animals were further ruled out. To add to the weight of evidence in support of the photograph being genuine, in the following year, 1994, a physician was tramping in exactly the same area the snapshot was taken; he came across browsing damage that was consistent with what is known of Moa feeding habits. In light of the corroborating evidence the Department of Conservation made no attempt to follow up on what certainly would have been the find of the century.

Is the Moa extinct? Perhaps in some of New Zealand's remote areas, and there are still a few,the species may still hold a tenuous grasp on existence. The sad fact is if it were to be discovered how simple it would be to conclude what was started in those Maori middens hundreds of years ago.

Source: Tony Lucas/Unexplained Mysteries
and Conspiracy Journal 3/3/06 #355


Rumors about the “flying beings” have been circulating around the globe from time immemorial. Almost every nation’s fairy tales have a description of a winged creature that looks like a human being. It was not until a few years ago that researchers in different parts of the world began trying harder to crack the mystery of the flying creatures.

American researchers became the first ones to show interest in the “flying humanoids.” The U.S. Air Force archives keep a report on an UFO filed by one William S. Lamb from Nebraska. Mr. Lamb was on a hunting trip near Hewbell at 5 a.m. on February 22, 1922. Suddenly he heard a strange high-pitched sound coming from above. Mr. Lamb looked up and saw a big dark object flying in the sky. Then it landed just like an airplane and started walking across the snow. The stranger was at least eight foot high. Mr. Lamb tried to follow the footprints but exhausted himself trudging through the deep snow.

The archives also keep similar records about several amazing encounters that took place near the small town of Point Pleasant.

On November 15, 1966, two young family couples, the residents of Point Pleasant, went astray while riding on a car to the country to see their friends. Dusk was falling as they were driving past an old mill. All of a sudden one of the women began staring open-mouthed at two red circles that shone brightly in the dark. The circles were about two inches in diameter and seemed to be hanging in the air. Then they started moving towards the car. The driver and passengers finally saw the eyes of a huge living being.

Its frame resembled that of a human but it looked a lot taller, up to six and a half to seven foot. And it had a pair of wings folded behind the back.

The big red eyes seemed to be hypnotizing the riders, everybody was sitting still for a minute or two unable to look away. Then somebody cried out: “Let’s get out of here!” and the driver stepped on it. The car was crossing the top of a hill as the passengers saw another winged creature hovering above the trees. It spread the wings and flew straight up the sky as the car was rolling at a hundred miles per hour.

Thomas Uri, a young salesman from Point Pleasant, was driving his car on the early morning of November 25, 1966. Thomas then saw a tall humanlike form standing in the field nearby. Suddenly, the creature unfolded the wings and rose vertically into the sky like a helicopter. It was flying above the car for a while, never falling behind though the car was running at 75 miles per hour.

It is quite noteworthy that an indescribable fear filled all the residents of Point Pleasant who saw the flying monster. A similar flying creature was seen about the same time in the vicinity of the town of New Haven in West Virginia.

Connie, a 18-year-old resident of the above town, was driving back home after a Sunday church service. She was driving past a derelict golf course when a big grey figure, at least seven foot high, emerged at the roadside. However, it was not the height of the creature that caught Connie’s eye. The girl was virtually mesmerized by the two big eyes, they were red and shone brightly. All of a sudden the creature spread its wings and it lifted up slowly, without making a sound. The flying thing did not flap the wings during the flight.

Four lads were walking back home from a dance near Standling Park in Kent, the United Kingdom, on November 16, 1963. They suddenly heard a crackling of the branches and along came a black behemoth. It had a pair of bat-like wings.

A similar creature was seen in the village of Nagorye, in central Russia, in the September of 1979. It was dusk when a student took a girl on a date in the field. The sun was sinking fast. The student was called Igor Kuleshov. He was in the middle of the date when he saw some dark object flying slowly above the ground at about 30 meters. Igor went speechless as the object moved closer and took shape of a human wearing some kind of a shining armor like a knight of the Middle Ages. There was a pale halo around the flying man. He flew right above the astounded couple and vanished in the direction of a forest. They could also hear something resembling a rustle of the leaves on the wind.

U.S. researchers put forth two theories as to the origins of the “flying beings.” According to the first theory, the military conducted a series of experiments involving residents of the areas near secret military installations. The experiments had to do with a mind-control research program, which allegedly involved the use of electronic signals to produce same-kind hallucinations. The second theory maintains that the winged creatures do exist. Their origins remain pretty murky and unearthly, though. The creatures turn up in our dimension once in a while only to disappear without a trace in another dimension.

SOURCE: Pravda Ru
and Conspiracy Journal 3/17/06 #357


(Image: Ifremer/A. Fifis)

Marine biologists have discovered a crustacean in the South Pacific that resembles a lobster or crab covered in what looks like silky fur. Kiwa hirsuta is so distinct from other species that scientists have created a new taxonomic family for it.

A US-led team found the animal last year in waters 2,300m (7,540ft) deep at a site 1,500km (900 miles) south of Easter Island, an expert has claimed. Details appear in the journal of Paris' National Museum of Natural History.

The diving expedition was organised by Robert Vrijenhoek of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in California.

The "Yeti Crab", as it has been dubbed, is white and 15cm (5.9in) long, according to Michel Segonzac of the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer). In what he has described as a "surprising characteristic", the animal's pincers are covered with sinuous, hair-like strands. It seems to reside around some Pacific deep sea hydrothermal vents, which spew out fluids that are toxic to many animals.

Bacterial refuge
Dr Segonzac told the BBC News website that the "hairy" pincers contained lots of filamentous bacteria. Some scientists think the bacteria detoxify poisonous minerals from the water, allowing K. hirsuta to survive around the vents.

Ecology around hydrothermal vents
Alternatively, the animal may actually feed on the bacteria that live in the hair-like strands. But observations of its behaviour suggest it may be a general carnivore. Dr Segonzac said he and his colleagues saw the animal fighting with two crabs over a piece of shrimp.

K. hirsuta is part of a diverse ecology that exists around Pacific vents.
Image: MBARI/PAR 5/B. Virjenhoek/AFP/Getty Images

From its general shape and appearance, the new creature resembles freshwater "squat lobsters" found in South America. But Dr Segonzac said that genetic analysis showed it was closer to marine members of this group.

K. hirsuta is blind; the researchers found it had only "the vestige of a membrane" in place of eyes, the Ifremer researcher said.

Mitten crabs
Paul Clark of the department of zoology at the Natural Histroy Museum said the characteristic strands, known as setae, that cover the crustacean's pincers are similar to those found on Chinese mitten crabs and some other crustacean species.

The dive discovered the animals at a location south of Easter Island
Kiwa hirsuta Image: MBARI/PAR 5/B. Virjenhoek/AFP/Getty Images

"Whether these setae are for growing or cultivating bacteria, I've no idea, but that could be one explanation. But it would also be interesting to find out whether there's anything else living in there," Mr. Clark told the BBC News website.

Researchers have found other small crustaceans taking refuge in the setae of mitten crabs. The team that found the crustacean said that while legions of new ocean species are discovered each year, it is quite rare to find one that merits a new family. The family was named Kiwaida, from Kiwa, the goddess of crustaceans in Polynesian mythology.

SOURCE: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4785482.stm

March 2, 2006

The first-ever gravity survey of the entire Antarctic ice sheet, conducted using data from the NASA/German Aerospace Center Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (Grace), concludes the ice sheet’s mass has decreased significantly from 2002 to 2005.

Isabella Velicogna and John Wahr, both from the University of Colorado, Boulder, conducted the study. They demonstrated for the first time that Antarctica's ice sheet lost a significant amount of mass since 2002. The estimated mass loss was enough to raise global sea level about 1.2 millimeters (0.05 inches) during the survey period, or about 13 percent of the overall observed sea level rise for the same period. The researchers found Antarctica's ice sheet decreased by 152 (plus or minus 80) cubic kilometers of ice annually between April 2002 and August 2005.

That is about how much water the United States consumes in three months (a cubic kilometer is one trillion liters; approximately 264 billion gallons of water). This represents a change of about 0.4 millimeters (.016 inches) per year to global sea level rise. Most of the mass loss came from the West Antarctic ice sheet.

"Antarctica is Earth's largest reservoir of fresh water," Velicogna said. "The Grace mission is unique in its ability to measure mass changes directly for entire ice sheets and can determine how Earth's mass distribution changes over time. Because ice sheets are a large source of uncertainties in projections of sea level change, this represents a very important step toward more accurate prediction, and has important societal and economic impacts. As more Grace data become available, it will become feasible to search for longer-term changes in the rate of Antarctic mass loss," she said.

Measuring variations in Antarctica's ice sheet mass is difficult because of its size and complexity. Grace is able to overcome these issues, surveying the entire ice sheet, and tracking the balance between mass changes in the interior and coastal areas.

Previous estimates have used various techniques, each with limitations and uncertainties and an inherent inability to monitor the entire ice sheet mass as a whole. Even studies that synthesized results from several techniques, such as the assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, suffered from a lack of data in critical regions.

"Combining Grace data with data from other instruments such as NASA’s Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite; radar; and altimeters that are more effective for studying individual glaciers is expected to substantially improve our understanding of the processes controlling ice sheet mass variations," Velicogna said.

The Antarctic mass loss findings were enabled by the ability of the identical twin Grace satellites to track minute changes in Earth's gravity field resulting from regional changes in planet mass distribution. Mass movement of ice, air, water and solid earth reflect weather patterns, climate change and even earthquakes. To track these changes, Grace measures micron-scale variations in the 220-kilometer (137-mile) separation between the two satellites, which fly in formation.

Grace is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. The University of Texas Center for Space Research has overall mission responsibility. GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany, is responsible for German mission elements. Science data processing, distribution, archiving and product verification are managed jointly by JPL, the University of Texas and GFZ. The results will appear in this week's issue of Science.

For information about NASA and agency programs on the Web, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/home.

For more information about Grace on the Web, visit: http://www.csr.utexas.edu/grace; and http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/grace.

For University of Colorado information call Jim Scott at: (303) 492-3114.

SOURCE: http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2006/mar/HQ_06085_arctic_ice.html
News Release: 2006-028
Alan Buis (818) 354-0474; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
Erica Hupp/Dwayne Brown (202) 358-1237/1726; NASA Headquarters, Washington


Just a few years ago, it was theorized that Antarctic continental ice
might begin to melt significantly by the end of this century. It has
just been discovered that massive, unexpected melt is taking place right

SOURCE & Full Story http://www.unknowncountry.com/news/?id=5163


U.S. Senate Bill 517 and U.S. House Bill 2995, a bill that would allow experimental weather modification by artificial methods and implement a national weather modification policy, does not include agriculture or public oversight, is on the “fast track” to be passed early in 2006.

This bill is designed to implement experimental weather modification. The appointed Board of Directors established by this bill does not include any agricultural, water, EPA, or public representatives, and has no provisions for Congressional, State, County, or public oversight of their actions or expenditures.

Weather Modification may adversely impact agricultural crops and water supplies. If the weather is changed in one state, region or county it may have severe consequences in another region, state or county. And who is going to decide the type of weather modification experimentation and who it will benefit or adversely impact?

This experimental weather modification bill will impact residents across the United States not just in California. Many current and ongoing weather modification programs (47 listed by NOAA in 2005), including the one in Wyoming that is designed to increase the snowpack, may be diverting rainwater away from Oklahoma and Texas, two states that are currently fighting fires caused by a lack of rainfall. We have no idea what the unintended consequences of the Wyoming action or other experimental weather modification programs might be now or in the future.

In addition to the experimental weather modification programs listed by NOAA, there are both private and ongoing government sponsored atmospheric testing and heating programs underway in Alaska and across the United States. Alaska Senator Stevens recently received $50 million in funding for Alaska’s atmospheric heating program.

All of these unregulated, private, government, and public weather modification programs, may also have unintended synergistic effects. Senate Bill 517 does not address these issues but intends to implement more experimental weather modification programs without a national debate or public oversight.

Artificial weather modification can impact all of us by reducing water supplies, changing agricultural crop production cycles, reducing crop production, and water availability. Since most experimental weather modification programs use chemicals released into the atmosphere the public could be subjected increasingly toxic or unknown substances that could adversely impact agricultural crops and trees.

Trimethyl Aluminum (TMA) and barium are just two of the toxic chemicals used in recent atmospheric heating and testing programs according to NASA. The Alaska H.A.A.R.P. atmospheric heating program may have the capability of changing the Jet Stream which could also change our weather.

Many private weather modification companies admit that precipitation effects may be positive or negative. Fog dispersal programs, using dry ice, liquid nitrogen, liquid propane or silver iodide may improve visibility while adversely impacting Redwood Trees along the California coast by depriving them of needed water they derive from the fog.

The increasing use of varied chemicals like aluminum (coupled with increasing air pollution), can severely impact tree health by depriving trees of water and nutrients normally absorbed through their root systems.

The December 2005 Popular Science Magazine discussed a plan to use an oil slick to stop hurricanes without noting the adverse environmental impacts of the oil used to cover the ocean.

Popular Science also noted that a private company, Dyn-O-Mat, plans to purchase jets to drop thousands of pounds of a water absorbing chemical powder (unknown substance), into hurricanes to absorb moisture that may dissipate hurricanes. There is no agriculture oversight or public hearings to determine the consequences of this and other actions or to monitor or prevent adverse impacts of this chemical once it falls on the surface of the ocean or on land.

Alaska and other areas across the United States are beginning to feel the impacts of climate change. Enormous changes are being seen in the declining health of native plant and tree communities in many areas across the United States.

NASA noted in an October 2005 newsletter that increasingly persistent contrails are “…trapping warmth in the atmosphere and exacerbating global warming…” NASA goes on to note that: “…Any increase in global cloud cover will contribute to long-term changes in Earth’s climate. Likewise, any change in Earth’s climate may have effects on natural resources…”

Global dimming and the persistent contrails, that produce man-made clouds, may have serious impacts on crop production. A recent corn crop study in Illinois shows that cloud cover reduces corn crop production while direct sunlight increases production. In addition, increasing man-made clouds may reduce the effectiveness of solar panels.

Gil Smolin, an Avian Bird Flu expert, noted on the Ron Owens Show on KGO Radio (January 5, 2006), that the flu was spread more quickly in the winter when there was a “lack of sunlight”. Would man-made clouds be contributing to the lack of sunlight which might cause the Avian Bird flu to spread more quickly at other times of the year? Experimental weather modification programs could also exacerbate this problem by changing climate patterns, increasing man-made cloud cover, and changing our weather and climate patterns.

Senate Bill 517 does not address any of these important issues. Its sole purpose is to establish an experimental weather modification policy without any agriculture or public oversight of private, military, and government programs. Without oversight or public hearings agriculture, our natural resources, and watersheds may be negatively impacted. And who will be responsible to determine the synergistic effects of these programs or pay for unintended disasters created by this experimentation. If these programs change growing seasons and interrupt the pollination process crop losses could be substantial exacerbating economic losses.

EDITORS NOTE: For more information about weather modification, see the new issue of Mysteries Magazine #12 for the article: Is The Weather Being Used as the Ultimate Weapon? by Tim Swartz

Source: Global Research
and Conspiracy Journal 3/17/06 #357


America’s favorite mountain has no shortage of horror stories, tall tales, myths — and even a true legend or two scattered among them.

There are the resident killer rats devouring babies.

There’s the sea monster slithering through a mountain lake; there’s the buried treasure that still awaits discovery. Take your pick. Matt Carpenter, the Manitou Springs runner who’s spent more than his share of time on Pikes Peak, favors the tale of the homicidal rodents for sheer entertainment value. "The whole story is just crazy," he said. It goes like this:

In 1875, Sgt. John O’Keeffe arrived for duty at a signal station the Army opened on the summit of Pikes Peak in 1873.

The next year, he reported that one night, hundreds of rats attacked the station, consumed a side of beef in less than five minutes, then advanced on O’Keeffe and his wife. They killed the rats but tragically found the worst had happened — the rats had eaten their baby daughter.

Except that O’Keeffe didn’t have a baby, or a wife, for that matter. Nor do rats live on the peak; the biggest rodents on the summit are marmots.

"That’s my all-time favorite," Carpenter said.

For inspirational Pikes Peak stories, he likes the one about a man named Peter Strudwick who was born without hands or feet. In 1972, he completed the Pikes Peak Marathon, wearing rubber devices fastened to his legs.

"That one’s totally true," Carpenter said. "It’s my favorite running-related story."

The members of the AdAmAn Club, who scale the peak every New Year’s Eve to set off fireworks at the summit, have their own story-telling traditions, said member Glenn Law. Every year, previous climbs become more harrowing and death-defying in the telling. The winds grow more ferocious, the temperatures colder and the trail icier to the point where climbers recall "crawling from rock to rock over the last three miles," Law said, chuckling.

Here are other stories about the peak, true and otherwise:

  • Sgt. Robert Seyboth was one of the first men assigned to live at the Army’s signal station on the summit after it opened in 1873. Probably bored with life at 14,115 feet, Seyboth began reporting bizarre sightings, such as a sea monster in a lake on the peak. The Colorado Springs Gazette reported "Mr. S. describes the creature at about 100 feet in length; its body of a light brown color and covered with large scales. Mr. S. is confident he has not exaggerated the length of the monster."

  • John O’Keeffe apparently wasn’t rattled when his rat story was disproved. He returned to the station in 1880 and got busy again. In an article in The Gazette, O’Keeffe told of a volcanic eruption from a crater near the top of Pikes Peak. He said he got within 200 feet, and "the heat even at this distance was very oppressive and the ground was covered with pulverized ashes and lava." The only problem: Pikes Peak is not volcanic.

  • The Garden of the Gods’ best-known feature wasn’t always known as Kissing Camels. William Pabor, a writer and marketing man, first named and publicized the rock formation as "Seal Making Love to a Nun." The name prompted more visitors to come and see it, but city founder William Jackson Palmer didn’t care for it. He asked for Pabor’s resignation, and the formation took on the more sedate moniker it bears today.

  • Is a fortune in gold hidden somewhere between the town of Deckers and the rock formation called Devil’s Head off Rampart Range Road?
    In the early 1870s, robbers stopped the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad in Pike National Forest near Deckers. They robbed the train of $60,000 worth of $10 gold pieces, and when a posse pursuing got too close, they buried the gold near Devil’s Head, marking a tree to remind them of the spot. Decades later, a forest fire swept the area, which was eventually covered with new trees. As far as anyone knows, the gold — worth millions today — is still buried there.

  • In January 1988, Green Mountain Falls resident Dan Masias reported a strange banging against his house one night and large footprints in the snow that looked like those of a barefoot human. He also reported seeing two large, hairy creatures running down the road with their long arms swinging. Other Green Mountain Falls residents then reported a cat scuffle with an unidentified creature and a break-in, in which the intruder left hair on a broken screen door. They dubbed their visitor "Bigfoot." An amateur investigator concluded the creature was not a human, bear or any other recognizable animal. No one’s gotten to the bottom of that mystery.

  • Thousands of people once "owned" Pikes Peak, holding deeds conceived in a marketing scheme. During the 1950s, a man named M.R. Latimer decided to sell a couple of lots he owned in Cascade in an unusual way: at souvenir shops. The printed deeds for a square foot of Pikes Peak didn’t catch on, and he was left with hundreds of them. The Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce bought them and started giving them to visiting VIPs, military award winners and a few local residents.

During the years, the chamber issued about 3,000 of the deeds to a square foot of a wooded lot near the Pikes Peak Highway. Problems arose when about 130 people took the trouble to record their deeds. When Latimer died, the new landowner sued to clear title.

Pikes Peak inspires us. It awes us. And sometimes, it allows us to see things in shadows. Things like, maybe, Abraham Lincoln’s profile, beard and all. Local peak-watchers know that twice a year, Abe shows up in shadow. Springs resident Dwight Wenger first pointed out the phenomenon to The Gazette in 2002. Wenger noticed the shadowy shape years ago and has taken photos of it several times on sunny days. The shadow isn’t visible from every angle in town, and it only appears at midday, in late October and late February. Readers have pointed out it’s later this year. Wenger says the best location for viewing or photographing the image is from the mesa off West Fillmore Street or from a vantage point on West Uintah Street. Face the summit, then scan the mountain’s face as you look toward the south.

SOURCE: The Gazette http://www.gazette.com/display.php?id=1315969
Conspiracy Journal 3/31/06 #359


Images courtesy of Euopean Space Agency

First note the green valley behind the possible open pit mining on Mars in the region of Lunae Planum area, at approximately 5° South and 297° East. Below is a close-up perspective view of the mountain in Juventae Chasma, thought to be composed of sulphates that used on Earth in health and beauty products.


ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

The European Space Agency Mars Express obtained this image on March 26, 2004, during orbit 243 with a ground resolution of 23.4 metres per pixel. Note the green vegetation on the lower left of image. A much larger photo can be seen at



The mining photo of Mars looks very similar to the Barrick Goldstrike Mine in Nevada.



These images, taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft, show the depression of Juventae Chasma and the mine with an apparent sign, cut into the plains of Lunae Planum on Mars. The depression of Juventae Chasma, is located north of Valles Marineris.


Notice that the green vegetation in the valley. To the northeast, there is a mountain composed of bright, layered material.


The OMEGA spectrometer on board Mars Express discovered sulphate on the surface of Mars and confirmed that this mountain is indeed composed of sulphate deposits. The Mars Express shows the sulphate mine with a sign or writing symbols at each end. The one on the top right is reversed, enlarged, and shown below.


The mining area is marked by a huge sign at the upper left probably showing ownership.The symbol ύ, like the Latin Y and possibly an H can be made out on the mining sign. A wild guess is that this could mean YHWH, "to create."

I'm looking for an expert in ancient languages, since they may have a relationship to alien writing. Many civilizations claim they were taught writing by extraterrestrials or gods.


On the far side of the Open Pit Mine there is a second sign shown in 3D with the letters Y and S. I suggest these signs are deliberate and not an accident of nature.


This YHWH sign is similar to one in this JPL image taken by the Opportunity Rover of Burns Cliff inside Endurance Crater. Note the symbols similar to P, Y, I, A, Y, IV, and X.

SOURCE: Filer's Files #10 - 8 Mar 2006


Joseph Skipper writes: As in the previous Report The Real Tubes on Mars, you can see in the image of additional evidence drawn from MOC strip E 12-03186, in this new image from a different location is additional giant tube evidence.

The top or northern most tube is again the most fully formed. All these new images also demonstrate that the northern most fully formed tubes border on what appears at first view to be natural adjacent terrain to the immediate north. Additionally, as with the previous evidence, the tubes here are a part of the much larger but more lower profile cohesive mass to the immediate and adjacent south. Finally and most important, you can more clearly see the sunlight reflections gleaming off of the top surface of the main top tube system.

Notice the clear at least semi-translucent equality of the main tube and that the cohesive mass to the immediate south of the tube has many parallel wrinkles in it. The light gleam and reflection reveals the edges of a narrow band of depression indentation that runs the entire longitudinal length axis of the main tube top surface and note it is fairly uniform in its width. This looks very much like something due to fairly recent expansion stress. To exist in such a massive elevated rounded unsupported form, the most obvious explanation is that they are lighter and less massive because they are hollow and their dome like semi-translucent quality and rounded dome like shape and very glassy smooth outer surface clearly supports such a conclusion.

This is all about water, its preservation, and the capitalization on it by life of some kind including perhaps more than one life form and at different stages. The most obvious conclusion is that the fully blown tubes are artificial constructs of some higher intelligent life form based on a super elongated dome principle forming a protective shielded habitat of some kind. However, it is still possible that this is the creation of a somewhat less complex life form, possibly even originally aquatic or semi-aquatic that has manipulated up welling water and ice masses and modified them to develop protective tough outer layers and eventually inflating them into the giant tubes.

Remember that certain jellyfish in our Earth oceans have developed membrane inflation techniques to provide themselves with the ability to travel via winds, water currents, and their own propulsion. Also, these are also characterized by all living within a gelatinous form that could also be a alternative explanation for this giant tough mass as a collective organism. The point is that some such basic principles are known to us and can't be ruled out without more and better information that the MOC visuals do not supply, at least not at the resolutions that have been released to us. See multiple photos at:

Thanks to Joseph Skipper

SOURCE: Filer's Files #9 - 1 Mar 2006


Symbol "Y" Is Often Found on Mars

European Space Agency image carved into the right side of the mine at Juventae Chasma, Mars. The symbol "Y" is above a "Z"

We know that the letter or symbol "Y" is often found on rocks and what appear to be signs on Mars. I speculate that writing was carved on each side the large mine. Later these symbols were brought to Earth by aliens who used the symbols Y and Z.

This image taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft, shows the depression of Juventae Chasma, cut into the plains of Lunae Planum on Mars. The HRSC obtained this image on March 26, 2004, during orbit 243 with a ground resolution of approximately 23.4 metres per pixel. The scenes show the region of Lunae Planum, at 5° South and 297° East. North is to the left. There is a mountain composed of bright, layered material that appears to be an open pit mine. This mountain is approximately 2500 metres high, 59 kilometres long and up to 23 kilometres wide. At each end of the mountain is writing or symbols that appear to start with the symbol "Y". The sign is several miles wide.


JPL/NASA image with Y shaped symbol

The letter "Y" is now used on Earth by 32 different languages. The legends of many nations such as Egypt claim aliens or gods brought writing to Earth. The ancient Egyptians called their writing "words of god," a gift from Thoth, the ibis headed god of learning and writing.


The "Y" was used in ancient Egyptian writing at the ruins of the Temple of Amun -Re. This is the largest columnar structure ever built, shimmer in the sacred lake at Karnak. The temples cover a square mile.

Lilies or "Y"s are carved into the pillar in the Amun-Re Temple. In Egyptian meanings of "Y" There is a picture of a flowering reed. This was originally a "y" (palatal glide) and could still be written that way.


The special symbol often used for this sound, however, is the letter "i" with an apostrophe instead of the dot. The "y" in Egyptian was so weak that it was rarely pronounced. Words beginning with "y," like the name of the god Amon, simply begin with vowels in the evidence of vocalization that we have. Amon later was called Amun Re. Carved into some of the largest columns in the world we have found the letters "Y" and "Z". These columns are 52 feet high and were built in 2400 BC. I believe this is more than a coincidence.

There is a "Y" carved on each of the two 52 feet high columns at Karnak.

The Egyptians wrote the previous "y" twice in certain contexts. Since this was usually at the end of a word, it has been argued that this is the same usage as in Hebrew or Arabic and that it actually represents the vowel of a long "i." It is hard to argue with this. Journal of Near Eastern Studies The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures
The Proceedings of the Friesian School, Fourth Series. published and edited by Kelley L. Ross, Ph.D.

Akkadian writing, one of most ancient languages, used the "Y" both in the middle and the end of the word signifying "gods of."

In English the letter Y" is short for YMCA, In astronomy, Y stands for a December 16 through 31 discovery, in the provisional designation of a comet (e.g. C/1823 Y1, the Great Comet of 1823. In biochemistry, Y is the symbol for tyrosine and in chemistry, Y is the symbol for yttrium. Y stands for the color yellow in the CMYK color model. In economics it used to represent income. In electrical engineering, Y is the symbol for admittance, the inverse of impedance. In genetics Y denotes the Y chromosome. In sex, XY denotes male in the XY sex-determination system. In mathematics, y is the usual symbol for the variable represented on the vertical axis (ordinate) in analytic geometry.

There is a large Y on the mountain overlooking Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.

We make large symbols to be seen for miles, it is logical a civilization on Mars did likewise. The camera apparently caught a reflection or a UFO?

SOURCE: Filer's Files #12 - 22 Mar 2006



"Y" Mars? The Symbol "Y"s Are Often Found on Mars.

European Space Agency image: note green vegetation

Annamarie Johnstone Ph. D, writes, I read your interesting information concerning the prominent letters, Y and Z, repeatedly seen in photos from Mars, and the possibility that aliens brought these written symbols to earth, as like letters are carved in ancient Egypt's sacred places. Perhaps Y is the aliens' symbol for God, which might explain its prominence.


The ancient Hebrews used Yahweh, written YhWh, for God, the Y symbol from Mars its possible source. You had written, as well, that Y is always carved above Z, if the latter letter is present. Another supposition on my part, the aliens used the Z symbol to depict a developed complex animal or egg, Zoon, hence Z always appears below Y (God). This may have been their way to acknowledge that all animals and man were created by God, hence the symbolic Z placement below the creator. Thanks to Annamarie Johnstone Ph. D.

Editor's Note: Genesis 1 states, In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our own likeness.

NASA/JPL images of Sculptured faces on Mars:

JPL/NASA Opportunity Rover of "Y" rock above:

We know that the letter or symbol "Y" is often found on rocks and what appear to be signs on Mars. I speculate that writing was brought to Earth by aliens who used the Letter Y. It is now used on Earth by 32 different languages. The legends of many nations such as Egypt claim aliens or gods brought writing to Earth. The ancient Egyptians called their writing "words of the god," a gift of Thoth, the ibis headed god of learning and writing. The Y was used in ancient Egyptian writing. "y" as in discovery.

SOURCE: Filer's Files #13 - 29 Mar 2006

13 March 2006
NewScientist.com news service
Kimm Groshong

With Google's help, web surfers can now navigate from the plains of Meridiani to the Proctor Crater Dunes on Mars as though they were two local destinations.

Arizona State University's Mars Space Flight Facility and Google teamed up to produce Google Mars (
www.google.com/mars/), a mapping tool released Monday, which allows users to view and scroll across the surface of the Red Planet, visiting its many landmarks.

"The goal here is to bring Mars to the general public, to give them access to a tool that lets them explore Mars in the same way that Google Earth lets you explore the Earth," says Robert Burnham, spokesperson for the Mars Space Flight Facility in Tempe, Arizona, US.

More than 17,000 images from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey orbiters fed the planet-spanning mosaic, which can be viewed as a colour-coded relief map showing surface elevation, a collage of optical images or as a product of infrared measurements. The software that allowed the individual images to be pieced together was written by Noel Gorelick from Arizona State University (ASU).

Users can see tagged features such as mountains, canyons, dunes, plains, ridges and craters on the Martian surface. Each tag comes with additional information such as coordinates, size, and date of discovery. And if a particular feature is named after a person or a place, there is information about its namesake.

Landing sites
The infrared map is pieced together from images taken by Mars Odyssey's Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) and includes details as small as 230 metres across. Cool spots on the surface appear in dark tones while warmer areas appear bright.

"Mars scientists the world over use THEMIS photos," says ASU planetary geologist Phil Christensen, principal investigator for the camera. "It's great that everyone everywhere can now explore this neighbour world using their own computer browser."

The infrared map also highlights four Martian areas that show even greater detail - the volcano Olympus Mons, the "Grand Canyon" of Mars Valles Marineris, and the landing sites of NASA's Spirit and Opportunity rovers.

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Digital Image Animation Laboratory used the Valles Marineris data, showing details just 100 metres across, to produce a new simulation, which was also released on Monday. Entitled "Flight Into Mariner Valley", it takes viewers on a virtual flight through the great chasm, revealing its impact craters, rocky spurs and carved out gullies.

SOURCE: http://www.newscientistspace.com/article.ns?id=dn8841

I've been scrolling over the map for about an hour now and I have yet to find the Cydonia region - or the PAG E-NEWS sign for that matter...

COMMENT 2: The image above is a "MOLA Shaded Relief / Colorized Elevation" map, which does not give a feeling of reality when viewed. So, as long as we are taking flights of fancy, here is an interesting link with truer color, for a more "realistic" view of Mars. All taken with a huge grain of salt...

  Flight Into Mariner Valley: The Movie

The scenes in this imaginary flight come from a movie by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Digital Image Animation Laboratory. The movie uses the most detailed mosaic image ever made of Valles Marineris. This image was assembled at Arizona State University's Mars Space flight Facility from more than 500 individual photos taken by the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) aboard NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter. The lights now dim, and the movie begins to run...

SOURCE: http://themis.asu.edu/valles_video



NASAs Viking Lander showing lichen on rocks:

I spoke with Dr. Gilbert Levin who designed the Viking Lander laboratories tests for life on Mars. We both agreed that Mars has life and for some reason JPL seems to have a closed mind on the subject. Why is the NASA scientific community blatantly ignoring the crucial scientific data to support Mars life? It may be the result of a Brooking's Institute report that the discovery of intelligent life could cause a world wide crisis.

In 1997, Biospherics' President and CEO, Dr. Gilbert V. Levin, announced his new conclusion that his 1976 Viking Labeled Release (LR) life detection experiment found living microorganisms in the soil of Mars. Objective application of the scientific process to 21 years of continued research and to new developments on Mars and Earth forced this conclusion. Of all the many hypotheses offered over the years to explain the LR Mars results, the only possibility fitting all the relevant data is that microbial life exists in the top layer of the Martian surface.

Dr. Levin was hired by NASA to develop a laboratory to prove that life exists. He designed experiments that tested the soil of Mars nine times at two different landing sites under different temperature regimes and environmental conditions. All his data point to microbes metabolizing a nutrient solution and giving off an indicative radioactive CO2 gas. The tests conducted on Mars were positive indicating life, but were not accepted. Dr Levin states, "We have waited ten years for all of the theories, experiments and results produced by the many scientists investigating our experiment to be reviewed before voicing a committed conclusion of our own, that there is life.


In a NASA /JPL video about the Mar's Rovers, Project Scientist Dr. Joy Crisp says, "We have clear evidence that Mars may once have had an environment that could have supported life! Think of what that means for future exploration!" Joy Crisp who received her Ph.D., Geology, Princeton University, 1984, is seeing first hand some of the same images that these files have been showing its readers. Unfortunately, NASA/JPL apparently does not have biologists or archaeologists on its team who are examining the images.

NASA has just provided a $214,000 grant to Rutgers biologist Dan Shain to study ice worms, a unique creature that survives in the icy world of glaciers. He is one of the few experts in the field of studying ice worms, that are threadlike and just a couple centimeters long. They inhabit glaciers in colonies containing millions of worms that come out at night to feed on algae. They can live for months without sunlight or food. In other words Mars would be a ideal place for them to thrive.

Filer Research Institute experts looking at Mars with open minds have discovered massive tunnel like structures on Mars, along with what appears to be ancient structures and evidence of an ancient civilization. Politically, NASA/JPL seems reluctant to present the evidence to the public, but with a high resolution camera now going into orbit, it will be more difficult to hide the true nature of the findings.

In January 2004, the rovers landed at different spots - thousands of miles apart - and began using a powerful array of instruments to study Martian rocks. Both robots are equipped with cameras that can take wide panoramas of Martian terrain and microscopic images that may offer clues to past environments Both Mars Exploration Rovers will be equipped with a rock abrasion tool - a diamond-studded rock cutter that will grind a hole about twice the diameter and thickness of a U.S. quarter, into a rock on Mars.

JPL/NASA Rover photo Showing Evidence of Water

Joy Crisp says, "We are especially interested in the conditions when liquid water was active on the surface," she explains. "Were there cold water seas or warm hydrothermal fluids like those at Yellowstone National Park involved? Was water only around for brief flooding episodes? The surface of Mars has lots of volcanic rocks which may have interacted with water, which ties into my interest in volcanoes."

NASA/JPL image indicating water:

SOURCE: Filer's Files #13 - 29 Mar 2006


Enlargements made from Apollo photography show anomalous structures, lights, and sites of mining on the moon. Walter Shirra aboard Mercury 8, was the first astronaut to use the code name 'Santa Claus' to indicate the presence of UFOs. When Apollo 8 came out from behind the dark side of the moon James Lovell, Jr. broadcast for everyone to hear.

http://www.nationalufocenter.com/artman/uploads/10jameslovell.jpg (NASA Photo)"

"We have been informed that Santa Claus does exist!" Many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words. Buzz Aldrin claimed a UFO followed Apollo 11 to the moon.


With binoculars anyone can view various craters on the Moon with bright rays expanding out from the craters. Rays are the most mysterious and most extraordinary features on the Moon. Astronomers believe the rays are composed of fine particles explosively ejected when a meteorite hits the lunar surface. They are likely pulverized rock of the kind that covers the lunar surface A crater is formed when ejecta is ejected generally in a circular pattern around the crater for a few miles.

However, strange white trails are visible on the lunar surface that go on for hundreds of miles. It seems unlikely that any meteoritic impact would create rays that form single lines for these long distances. When the astronauts reached the Moon they complained about the white dust they picked up on their feet and clothing and carried inside their craft..

Lets assume that mining is a reality on the Moon and that spaceships would pick up the white dust as they land and are loaded. When the ships take off the dust would tend to fall off leaving a trial or path across the lunar surface.


This Apollo photos shows an elliptical crater 1 km long with an unusual, wing like pattern of rays in Mare Tranquillity near where Apollo 11 landed. (AS15-9254P) I suggest this pattern would more likely be formed by mining activities than by a meteoritic impact. Orbital view of the unusual Moon craters Messier (labeled 1) and Messier A (2) from Apollo 15. From images like this, lunar scientists have concluded that these lunar craters were produced by high velocity projectiles following shallow trajectories traveling from east (upper right) to west (lower left).


This unique crater, situated in Mare Fecunditatis has a form deviating remarkably from the usual circular one and has two bright and conspicuous rays. Messier is about 1,250 meters deep and of an elongated form, measuring about 11 km in length and 8 km in width. Its longitude is 48 deg East and its latitude at 2 deg South.

Messier A lies about 20 km west of Messier, at a longitude of 47.6 deg East, latitude 1.9d South. It is a double crater, measuring 11 x 13 km. The smaller, older crater was superimposed by a newer, a bit larger crater. The bright double ray, reaching out from these two craters to the West for 120 km resembles a comet with a tail. Scientists claim the craters and the rays were probably created by a 1-5 degrees very narrow-angle grazing impact.

I suggest that mining dust carried by spacecraft could explain the unusual patterns. Previously, numerous speculations have been involved in attempt to explain the particularities of these two interesting craters (see e.g. Charles Wood's article in Sky & Telescope, November 2000 issue, p. 126).

Those who ascribe to theories of rays being formed by finely pulverized ejecta that radiate from craters must explain why less than half the craters have rays. The rays of Tycho extend for over a thousand miles radiating from the outer walls even to the limit of the visible hemisphere. The rays do not extend uniformly in all directions but suggest a route traveled by craft. We are told there is no atmosphere on the Moon to cause erosion of some type that ay cause the rays to disappear from most of the craters.

SOURCE: Filer's Files #10 - 8 Mar 2006

Sgt Karl Wolfe saw photos of Alien Moon Base

Thanks to Disclosure Project, Sgt. Wolfe is 4th from left:

Disclosure Witness Sgt. Karl Wolfe and I were at Langley AFB at the same time in July of 1965, both working in intelligence. He told me, and a large audience at the National Press Club, that while he was helping with photography equipment with NSA he was shown images of the first Lunar Orbiter that were bringing telemetry into Langley from the Moon. He saw images of a base on the backside of the Moon which showed geometric shapes – there were towers, there were spherical buildings, there were very tall towers and things that looked like radar dishes, but they were very large structures.


Astronauts and the Moon

Jerry writes, "I was given information by a friend after he met with Reverend Arthur Ford, who was a Spiritualist Medium and founder of the International General Assembly of Spiritualists." Arthur told him that the astronauts were being sent to him because of unusual happenings on their space trips. They all had a feeling of being watched, but didn't know by whom. One of the astronauts ventured out with his suit and umbilical cord to find the cause of a problem on the shuttle. He opened the hatch and looked inside, but didn't have a clue. Something not seen took him by his hand and placed it on the defective part.

Astronauts on the surface of the moon found an adobe hut with utensils inside. They showed an 8 X 10 glossy photo to Ford and asked him not to speak of what he was being told. Ford was an old man at this time and felt these secrets should not be held from the public, so he told his friends and whoever would listen. This all took place around 38 years ago. Buzz Aldrin claimed Apollo 11 was escorted to the Moon by a UFO. Thanks to Jerry

SOURCE: Filer's Files #13 - 29 Mar 2006


Please check the source link for interesting anomalies around the sun, captured during the past few years. No doubt a portion of the really fascinating shapes and forms out there have been missed. Then, there is the pesky issue of the NSA and NASA and censorship. Curious blocks of missing data and the famous CCD Bake outs happen when SOHO needs a time out.

SOURCE: http://www.weatherwars.info/index.php?news_id=37&start=0&category_id=&


A stunning new scientific report predicts that the next sunspot cycle will be massively more powerful than the one just past, which was among the most powerful on record. This is going to cause intense climate disruptions on earth, including surface heating from coronal mass ejections, which is believed to have caused numerous forest fires during the last solar max.

SOURCE & Full Story http://www.unknowncountry.com/news/?id=5164


Next sunspot cycle may disrupt power, communications
- Keay Davidson, Chronicle Science Writer
March 7, 2006

An 11-year epoch of increasingly severe solar storms that could fry power grids, disrupt cell-phone calls, knock satellites back to Earth, endanger astronauts in space, and force commercial airliners to change their routes to protect their radio communications and to avoid deadly solar radiation could begin as soon as this fall, scientists announced Monday.

When the solar cycle reaches its peak in 2012, it will hurl at Earth mammoth solar storms with intense radiation and clouds of high-speed subatomic particles millions of miles across, the scientists said.

A storm of that magnitude could short-circuit a world increasingly dependent on giant utilities and satellite communications networks. Such a storm in 1989 caused power grids to collapse, causing a five-hour blackout in Quebec.

Monday's forecast was announced by scientists from agencies including NASA and the National Science Foundation, based on research centered at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado.

There is disagreement on exactly when the new cycle will begin -- one key researcher predicted the cycle will start in late 2007 or early 2008, and another said it could begin either late this year or in early 2007. But they did agree that the most severe storms won't begin popping on the solar surface for several years, but when they do, they'll be huge.

The solar storms in the past have knocked out huge power grids and screwed up global electronics and data communications, but "the next sunspot cycle will be 30 to 50 percent stronger than the last one," the scientists said in Monday's statement.

Reaching that 50 percent threshold would make it the most intense solar cycle since the late 1950s and the second worst since the early 1700s, Peter Gilman, one of the researchers, said in a phone interview.

Astronomers will monitor the sun daily in the coming months to see how it's doing. Early warning signs will be the formation of large groups of sunspots, which are clusters of solar magnetic fields that are cooler than the rest of the sun.

"I look (at telescopic images of the sun) almost every day, thinking, 'It could be today,' " said David Hathaway, solar physics team leader at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama. He compared it to "waiting for the first sparrow of spring."

Solar storms can happen at any time during an 11-year solar cycle. However, by far the worst storms are likeliest to occur during the period known as "solar maximum," or solar max for short. The last solar max was in 2001.

The scientists are confident of their forecast for 2012 because they've successfully used a new computer model to "forecast" the past. That is, they used records of old solar cycles to figure out how the sun should have behaved during eight past cycles, as far back as the early 20th century. They "forecast" the sun's past behavior -- "hindcasting," they call it -- "with more than 98 percent accuracy" the scientists said.

"I'm really excited about this (discovery)," said NASA's Hathaway. "It's based on sound physical principles, and it finally answers the 150-year-old question: What causes the sunspot cycle?"

The cycle's victims could include space satellites. The coming storms could heat the upper levels of Earth's atmosphere, causing it to expand and exert drag on low-flying satellites -- perhaps enough drag to tug some of them back to Earth. Solar storms have been blamed for the U.S. Skylab space station's premature fall back to Earth in 1979.

Air travelers could be affected, too. Since the end of the Cold War, to avoid headwinds, airlines have increasingly flown subpolar routes to get between the United States and other Northern Hemisphere continents quickly and cheaply. But during solar storms, they must avoid the poles and fly more southerly routes.

They do so partly in order to avoid having their radio communications disrupted over dangerous polar terrain and partly to avoid exposing passengers -- especially pregnant women -- to the increased radiation, said solar-storm expert Joseph Kunches, chief of the forecast and analysis branch of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Environment Center in Boulder, Colo.

The northern and northeastern portions of North America are historically more vulnerable to system outages caused by solar storms than California and most of the Western states, said Gregg Fishman, spokesman for the California Independent System Operator. That's possibly because among other things, he said, there's a higher iron and mineral content in the North and Northeast that conducts the ground current more easily and allows for more of an impact during solar storms.
E-mail Keay Davidson at

SOURCE: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2006/03/07/MNGAFHJJL91.DTL 


Journal Science announced that the Cassini spacecraft has found evidence
of water spewing from geysers on Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons,
raising the likelihood of some kind of life in space. High-resolution
images taken by the orbiting Cassini confirmed the eruption of icy jets
and giant water vapor plumes from geysers resembling Old Faithful's at
Enceladus' South Pole. "We have the smoking gun" that proves the
existence of water, said Carolyn Porco, a Cassini imaging scientist from
the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

SOURCE: Filer's Files #11 - 15 Mar 2006

By Ker Than
LiveScience Staff Writer
27 March 2006

The line between living organisms and machines has just become a whole lot blurrier. European researchers have developed "neuro-chips" in which living brain cells and silicon circuits are coupled together.

The achievement could one day enable the creation of sophisticated neural prostheses to treat neurological disorders or the development of organic computers that crunch numbers using living neurons.

To create the neuro-chip, researchers squeezed more than 16,000 electronic transistors and hundreds of capacitors onto a silicon chip just 1 millimeter square in size.

They used special proteins found in the brain to glue brain cells, called neurons, onto the chip. However, the proteins acted as more than just a simple adhesive.

"They also provided the link between ionic channels of the neurons and semiconductor material in a way that neural electrical signals could be passed to the silicon chip," said study team member Stefano Vassanelli from the University of Padua in Italy.

The proteins allowed the neuro-chip's electronic components and its living cells to communicate with each other. Electrical signals from neurons were recorded using the chip's transistors, while the chip's capacitors were used to stimulate the neurons.

It could still be decades before the technology is advanced enough to treat neurological disorders or create living computers, the researchers say, but in the nearer term, the chips could provide an advanced method of screening drugs for the pharmaceutical industry.

"Pharmaceutical companies could use the chip to test the effect of drugs on neurons, to quickly discover promising avenues of research," Vassanelli said.

The researchers are now working on ways to avoid damaging the neurons during stimulation. The team is also exploring the possibility of using a neuron's genetic instructions to control the neuro-chip.

SOURCE: http://www.livescience.com/humanbiology/060327_neuro_chips.html


Dr. Lynne Kitei doesn't know what it was, but she knows that the Phoenix Lights event of March 13, 1997, did occur, and, in her mind, remains unexplained.

In addition to a string of bright lights that hung over the Valley, witnesses locally and throughout the state saw a V-shaped formation of lights. Some estimated it was the size of a football field and shimmered like black satin as it moved silently.

Explanations were offered by military sources: The string of lights comprised training flares, and the large object actually was a formation of military airplanes.

Whether Arizonans saw flares and airplanes, a top-secret government project or something otherworldly, Kitei said interest about that night has not faded after nearly a decade. In fact, the curious can relive it all at an exclusive showing on Sunday of an updated documentary.

Kitei, a physician and health educator from Paradise Valley, wrote a book about the subject in 2004, chronicling what she and others saw. She also co-produced an award-winning documentary with cinematographer Steve Lantz that debuted last March in Scottsdale. She will host Sunday's showing at the same theater, Harkins Shea 14, 7354 E. Shea Blvd.

The revamped documentary includes new footage Kitei shot last summer of large amber-colored orbs in the night sky, plus additional witness interviews, including several with children.

"It's just been amazing how this has really opened up people. I didn't believe when the book came out how much positive response I got," she said. "People have really thanked me for coming forward and know they can share. That's the most gratifying thing for me."

It has become her life's mission to get the word out about the lights. Kitei has traveled extensively, talking about the Phoenix Lights. She will be a keynote speaker at a conference in Riccione, Italy, on March 25.

"It has been such a joy. People have really embraced this. I guess they're ready for it, the idea that we are not alone," she said. "It's time we move forward and acknowledge it, and accept it and study it."

Kitei said people should keep an open mind about the subject.

"This is available for anybody who chooses to read it or see it. The data speaks for itself," she said.

SOURCE: The Arizona Republic
Conspiracy Journal 3/17/06 #357



As ninth anniversary nears, Prescott Valley man still looking for answers on Phoenix Lights
By Cindy Barks, The Daily Courier

PRESCOTT VALLEY ­ Night after night, Mike and Nannette Fortson lounge in lawn chairs in their backyard, their eyes glued to the sky. After years of sky watching, they say, the locations of the stars and planets are second nature to them. However, for the Fortsons, the constellations are incidental ­ mere points of reference for something bigger.

What they really hope to see is a repeat of the show they glimpsed from their Chandler home nearly nine years ago: a mysterious, slow-moving craft that became known worldwide as the Phoenix Lights.

The Fortsons were among the perhaps thousands of people in Arizona who reported witnessing a series of lights advancing silently from near Paulden, through Prescott Valley and over much of metropolitan Phoenix. Because the Hale-Bopp comet was making an appearance at the same time, many people were outside that night, with their eyes on the sky.

For Mike Fortson, it was a chance encounter, one he attributes to "dumb luck." Even so, that warm night, March 13, 1997, changed his life forever.

"Yes, it is a passion," Fortson said recently from the Viewpoint home into which he and Nanette recently moved. "I think about it all the time."

Since moving to the tri-city area and becoming a licensed real estate agent, Fortson said he has met many local people who remember seeing the lights. However, for the most part, the media and investigative attention at the time focused on the Phoenix area.

Ultimately, officials dismissed the lights as flares from military aircraft. Fortson maintains that two events occurred that night, and while the second one (at about 10 p.m.) may have been flares, he contends that the 8:30 p.m. event was something else altogether.

With the ninth anniversary of the lights sighting approaching on Monday, Fortson said he would like to focus local attention on that 1997 night. "My purpose is that nine years ago, this happened in this area. I'd like to hear what people saw," he said. (He asks people with information on the lights to e-mail him at satm-@cableone.net)

In fact, he said, the huge network of people interested in the Phoenix Lights has long circulated an "urban legend" that someone in the tri-city area videotaped the event.

The Fortsons say that getting the event on film or tape was the last thing on their minds that night in 1997. Mike Fortson recalls awakening from a brief nap at about 8:30 p.m. As he went to close a window, he noticed "three huge, bright white lights angled down and very low to the

He shouted to his wife to come outside, and the two of them watched what they describe as a giant boomerang, a V-shaped craft that may have been a mile long.

"When you see something like what we saw ­ something that is not supposed to exist, it's just too big ­ we didn't think to move our feet," Fortson said.

These days, the Fortsons are more prepared. They keep a variety of cameras and tripods on hand to record any unusual sightings from the backyard of their Prescott Valley home. Although they do notice plenty of unexplained things, they have yet to see anything of the magnitude of the Phoenix Lights.

"Anyone who has spent any time sky watching out here in the daytime or nighttime has probably seen something that will cause them to do a double take," Fortson said.

The Fortsons have noticed plenty of balloons and satellites. After their years of practice, they can identify most things in the sky.

Nanette Fortson, who admits that while she enjoys the sky watching, her level of interest does not match her husband's, is getting a bit impatient. "I'm tired of satellites; I want to see the big one again," she said.

Mike Fortson's passion for the Phoenix Lights has made him a bit of a celebrity in UFO circles. Since the 1997 sighting, he has served as a source for more than 50 news stories and telecasts.

That includes appearances in well-known documentaries such as "Out of the Blue," "The Phoenix Lights" and the ABC special "Seeing is Believing," featuring the late news anchor Peter Jennings.

Fortson's amiable persona lends an instant credibility to his story, as he faces the camera to relate what he saw. He also speculates that the fact that he has never received payment to tell his story made him more believable to news outlets. In addition, he said, "I was available."

Just the fact that Fortson was so willing to talk openly about what he saw made him somewhat unusual at the time.

Former Phoenix City Councilwoman Frances Barwood, who now lives in Dewey-Humboldt, recalls that many people were unwilling to talk publicly about the sighting, for fear of being the subject of ridicule or scorn.

In fact, Barwood was caught up in a media maelstrom when she asked during a televised City Council meeting why the City of Phoenix was not looking into the matter. After her question made it into a story in the Arizona Republic, Barwood said she was received a flood of telephone
calls from people who saw the lights.

"It was overwhelming," Barwood says now. "We were nowhere prepared for something like that."

During the days and weeks after the story ran, Barwood said she received more than 700 calls ­ many from people in the Prescott/Prescott Valley area. She remembers one call from a Prescott Valley man who was having a Hale-Bopp party at the time. He and his more than 20 guests all saw the unidentified object.

A number of Barwood's calls also came from people who admitted to seeing the lights but who did not want to go public.

"To the media, it was a big joke," Barwood said, adding that she was the brunt of many of the jokes, becoming known as the UFO council member.

Although Barwood did not witness the March 13 event herself, she said the impassioned accounts she heard from people made her want answers. "I've always been curious my whole life, just by nature," she said. "I would love to know what it was."

Barwood, who knows Fortson, said she admires the way he has continued to dig for information. "Mike has taken it seriously," she said. "He's trying to get other people talking about it, and maybe get some answers."

SOURCE: The Prescott Daily Courier - Prescott, Arizona, USA 3/9/2006
UFO Casebook 3-13-06 http://www.ufocasebook.com/031306.html

Read an archived report on the Phoenix sightings:
UFO Casebook Archives...The Phoenix Lights, 1997, Arizona


And for those of you who enjoy the wacky world of the weird, I present below for your not-so-unusual pleasure the...
Strangest Stories of 2005 - Slide Show

SOURCE: PAG E-NEWS: March 17 www.pagenews.info
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq.


The star at last week's Philadelphia Auto Show wasn't a sports car or an economy car. It was a sports-economy car — one that combines performance and practicality under one hood. However, the car that buyers have been waiting decades, comes from an unexpected source and runs on soybean bio-diesel fuel to boot.

A car that can go from zero to 60 in four seconds and get more than 50 miles to the gallon would be enough to pique any driver's interest. So who do we have to thank for it. Ford? GM? Toyota? No — just Victor, David, Cheeseborough, Bruce, and Kosi, five kids from the auto shop program at West Philadelphia High School

The five kids, along with a handful of schoolmates, built the soybean-fueled car as an after-school project. It took them more than a year — rummaging for parts, configuring wires and learning as they went. As teacher Simon Hauger notes, these kids weren't exactly the cream of the academic crop.

"We have a number of high school dropouts," he says. "We have a number that have been removed for disciplinary reasons and they end up with us."

One of the Fab Five, Kosi Harmon, was in a gang at his old school — and he was a terrible student. The car project has changed all that. "I was just getting by with the skin of my teeth, C's and D's," he says. "I came here, and now I'm a straight-A student."

To Hauger, the soybean-powered car shows what kids — any kids — can do when they get the chance. "If you give kids that have been stereotyped as not being able to do anything an opportunity to do something great, they'll step up," he says.

Stepping up is something the big automakers have yet to do. They're still in the early stages of marketing hybrid cars while playing catch-up to the Bad News Bears of auto shop. "We made this work," says Hauger. "We're not geniuses. So why aren't they doing it?"

Kosi thinks he knows why. The answer, he says, is the big oil companies. "They're making billions upon billions of dollars," he says. "And when this car sells, that'll go down — to low billions upon billions."

Source: CBS News
and Conspiracy Journal 3/10/06 #356


March 3, 2006

The CBS news article below reveals a major breakthrough in car engine design. This car engine gets over 50 mpg, goes from zero to 60 in four seconds, and runs on soybean oil!

So why isn't this remarkable breakthrough making front page headlines in all major media? For the same reason that many other major energy breakthroughs have been reported but never given the headlines they deserve. Those who are reaping huge profits from oil sales have much more political and media influence than you might imagine...

The star at last week's Philadelphia Auto Show wasn't a sports car or an economy car. It was a sports-economy car — one that combines performance and practicality under one hood.

But as CBS News correspondent Steve Hartman reports in this week's Assignment America, the car that buyers have been waiting decades [for] comes from an unexpected source and runs on soybean bio-diesel fuel to boot.

Read the full story -


Below are six puzzle pieces. Hopefully they do not all belong to the same puzzle. But do I see a secret agenda developing below - or is it just my avian paranoia flying in on the ominous "rapidly developing new programs" of the DoD and Halliburton? In any event the "catastrophe" of an avian influenza outbreak doesn't appear to be the type necessary to activate our ET/Savior sub-program. At least not yet!
The work is evidence that a slight genetic tweak is all that is required to transform mild strains of the flu virus into forms far more pathogenic and, possibly, more transmissible.
The goal is to substitute the eight genes of each virus, one by one, with the eight genes from the other virus to see which of more than 250 possible combinations create flu viruses that could spread easily among humans.
A military-style approach is needed to counter the worldwide threat of H5N1 bird flu, it has been claimed.
President Bush said yesterday that he would consider using the military to 'effect a quarantine' in the event of an outbreak of pandemic influenza in the United States.
The contract may also provide migrant detention support to other government organizations in the event of an immigration emergency, as well as the development of a plan to react to a national emergency, such as a natural disaster, the company said.
Defense Department officials are working to create a pandemic influenza plan in time for the Department of Homeland Defense's end-of-March deadline, a DoD medical official said Feb. 27.

SOURCE: PAG E-NEWS: March 6 www.pagenews.info


Daniel Yee Jan. 15, 2006 (AP)

ATLANTA - The government, for the first time, is urging doctors not to prescribe two antiviral drugs commonly used to fight influenza after discovering that the predominant strain of the virus has built up high levels of resistance to them at alarming speed.

A whopping 91 percent of virus samples tested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this flu season proved resistant to rimantadine and amantadine, a huge increase since last year, when only 11 percent were.

The discovery adds to worries about how to fight bird flu should it start spreading among people. Health officials had hoped to conserve use of two newer antiviral drugs, Tamiflu and Relenza, because they show activity against bird flu, unlike the older drugs.

Read the full story -


This story gets curiouser and curiouser, don't you think? What's really telling is the last paragraph: "Buddhism teaches that right thinking and self-control can enable people to achieve nirvana -- a divine state of peace and release from desire. Buddhism has about 325 million followers, mostly in Asia." Hmm, if that many meditating people cannot create a state of peace on this planet - then contrary to new age beliefs - our ability to override the central theme of our program is extremely limited - if existing at all.
Ram Bahadur Banjan, 15, disappeared Saturday from a forest where he had meditated for the last 10 months, during which his associates said he consumed no food or water.

SOURCE: PAG E-NEWS: March 13 www.pagenews.info
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq.


Amal Graafstra simulates how he opens a door using an RFID chip implanted in his hand. He has a microchip in each hand, between the thumb and index finger.

Bellingham entrepreneur Amal Graafstra has given a new meaning to hands-on technology. In each hand, between his thumb and index finger, is a microchip implant, which he can use to open doors to his apartment and car and sign on to his computer. The one in his left hand was designed for tracking wildlife, among other things. He ordered both chips for less than $5 each on the Internet.

"I saw pets getting these things for years, and then I heard about people getting the chip implant," he said. "I wanted to use that technology so I don't have to carry any keys."

Graafstra, 29, is one of a small but growing number of people experimenting with RFID chips in their bodies. He plans to talk about his project at 7 p.m. today at an event called Dorkbot at Seattle's Center on Contemporary Art. At the event, a local cosmetic doctor will implant the chip in a Canadian robotics enthusiast.

RFID, or radio frequency identification, transmits information wirelessly from a tiny chip or tag to a reader device. Its applications are broad, from tracking merchandise in warehouses and controlling access to buildings, to identifying pets if they're lost.

In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first human implantable chip, made by VeriChip of Delray Beach, Fla. Since then, about 85 people in the United States have had the VeriChip implanted, primarily to give doctors speedy access to their medical records, said company spokesman John Procter.

Graafstra has engineered the chips in his hands to serve the same purpose as the code that opens his apartment door or the key fob that unlocks his silver 2004 Volkswagen Golf. He keeps no data on the chips, just a 10-character code.

He waves his hand within a few inches of a sensor on the windshield, and that performs the same function as pressing a button on his remote control, unlocking the car door. The chip was implanted by Dr. Virginia Stevens of Woodinville, who will do the same procedure tonight.

"It's not that huge a deal for the body," Graafstra said. "It was really kind of a fun experiment. I got the implant in my hand and I was writing the software with the bandage on," he said. "Within a couple of hours, I had the front-door access working."

Stevens, a cosmetic doctor at Hypatia Clinic in Woodinville, has performed about eight RFID chip implants since Graafstra's first in March 2005.

"My first reaction was here we go toward the end of the world," she said. "All your whole life history on a little chip." Medically, she called the implant process "extremely simple."

She numbed the area, made a small incision with a scalpel, inserted the 13-millimeter chip and sealed the opening with skin glue.

Last July, Graafstra had his second chip inserted "in two seconds" with a special needle by his family doctor. He hasn't started using that chip yet, but is trying to figure out how to implement features for it.

The technology raises eyebrows — and the ire of privacy advocates — for its social implications.

"We think it's a very bad idea," said Liz McIntyre, co-author of the book "Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID."

Making chip implants seem like a cool experiment sends the wrong message to young people, she said. "They're equating this with just another piercing," she said. "What they're doing is actually breaking down the mental barriers to the unique numbering of humans."

Because information on the tiny chips can be read surreptitiously from a distance, privacy watchdogs worry that the prevalence of RFID could allow secret monitoring and tracking by government or companies.

Graafstra acknowledges that any technology has potential for abuse. But many of the fears stem from misunderstanding, he contends. "Basically people are learning about the technology, which could never be a bad thing," he said. "If it ever became oppressive, it's the people learning about it now who would be equipped to fight it."

He hopes his hands-on experiment can help dispel some myths. "Take charge of the technology," he says, "don't run from it."

One advantage to the do-it-yourself approach is that his system works only with his property, unlike corporate systems with many users linked to one database. With those systems, hackers could stage random attacks on anyone in the database. Reading his chip would be like "finding a house key on the ground," Graafstra said. "It only works on my house, and you don't know where I live. The information can't be used in a way that would compromise my money or my medical data or anything like that," he said.

Graafstra has written a book, "RFID Toys," with step-by-step instructions for rigging doors and computers to respond to RFID tags. He's also converted his girlfriend. She has a chip implanted in her hand that lets her into his apartment and car.

Another convert is Phillip Beynon, a robotics enthusiast and college student from British Columbia who plans to have the chip implanted in his right hand tonight. He has projects planned, including using RFID to lock his computer, drawers and suitcase.

One challenge may be finding a willing doctor.

"A lot of doctors would have a moral problem with it," Stevens said. "If the person understands exactly what its potential capabilities are, and the way they use it is clearly defined, they are adults and can make their own decisions."

As for herself, Stevens said, "I would just scrounge around for my keys."

Source: The Seattle Times
and Conspiracy Journal 3/3/06 #355


By allowing us to ingest rocket fuel and other deadly toxins the government and the other corporate terrorists are simply helping us adapt to our new toxic environment, right?
A potentially deadly toxin is being absorbed into bottled mineral water from their plastic containers. And the longer the water is stored, the levels of poison increase, research reveals.

Following a published report that the Bush Administration is holding up a study that shows most Americans carry a toxic rocket fuel chemical in their bodies at levels close to federal safety limits...

SOURCE: PAG E-NEWS: March 14 www.pagenews.info
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq.


Everything you ever wanted to know about GM foods is contained in the below article. Actually if you are eating GM foods you may want to skip this article. No reason to get your bowels in an uproar, now is it?
50 Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified Foods

SOURCE: PAG E-NEWS: March 15 www.pagenews.info
Published by Peter A. Gersten, Esq.

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